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Thread: The curse of the pub quiz

  1. #1
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Default The curse of the pub quiz

    After a busy day at work and at home, clearing up (or at least, starting to clear up) the mess left by the installation of my new central heating (ta dah!), I took myself down the pub for a well-earned pint. I went into the University Arms, the nearest good pub to my house, only to discover the well-remembered atmosphere of the dreaded PUB QUIZ.

    I beat a hasty retreat, going quickly through my memory to rule out any other pubs that might be having a quiz tonight. KIT and Fat Cat are Mondays, but too far to walk there late on a Tuesday night, so I made my way to the Red Deer. Sure, their quiz is on a Sunday. I got to within 20 metres, when the booming PA produced those dread words "Question 6!"

    An abrupt about-face took me almost without thinking in the direction of the Bath Hotel. Surely there's no quiz on there? As I approached, a blackboard leaning against the wall made a hazy appearance through the December drizzle: "Brains at the Bath", it seemed to imply. Closer perusal confirmed though, that Quiz Night here is on a Thursday (phew!), so I made my way, with some relief, to the bar.

    My last visit to the Bath a couple of weeks ago ended with me walking out with no drink, as all the beers were Thornbridge (my bête noire) or made with new world hops (bête noire #2). On this occasion I was in luck: Blackjack Bramling Cross 4.0% - an English-hopped beer from one of my favourite breweries - I can even tolerate their new world hopped beers (in small measure). This one was so good it would have passed the three pint test, had closing time not intervened. I'll not be back on Thursday, though, even if it's still on.
    Come On You Hatters!

  2. #2
    It wasn't me Quinno's Avatar
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    I hope you have updated all those pubs facility lists with your newly-acquired knowledge of quiz scheduling.

  3. #3
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Quinno View Post
    I hope you have updated all those pubs facility lists with your newly-acquired knowledge of quiz scheduling.
    Are bears Catholic? Does the Pope shit in the woods?
    Come On You Hatters!

  4. #4
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    A pub quiz is better than a Bingo session which I encountered at the George JDW in Hailsham, at least you can see if you know the answers. Either are better than finding TVs blasting out football or any other sport.

  5. #5
    This Space For Hire
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    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Aqualung View Post
    Better than finding TVs blasting out football or any other sport.
    Rather sport than Emmerdale, Cori, Benders or any normal TV shit the landlady want's to watch throughout the day. Exception maybe Countdown or Pointless... Oh these are quiz shows. The Chase is a crap one though if that's ever on you know if in there early morning Jeremy Kyle would be on.

  6. #6
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcfczuluarmy View Post
    Rather sport than Emmerdale, Cori, Benders or any normal TV shit the landlady want's to watch throughout the day. Exception maybe Countdown or Pointless... Oh these are quiz shows. The Chase is a crap one though if that's ever on you know if in there early morning Jeremy Kyle would be on.
    I've never been to a pub showing soaps. Countdown isn't a quiz show but a words and numbers game. I once went to the William in E10 and facetiously asked if I could watch Peter Andre's 60 Minute Makeover on the big screen. As expected I was told where to go. On another occasion in the back room of the same pub a single person asked to see the F1 practise or something equally obscure. His request was granted despite the fact that almost everyone was in the back room to get away from the football on the big screen in the main room. The same idiot also had two kids running around and annoying everyone because they were bored and being completely ignored.

  7. #7
    This Space For Hire
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    I like pub quizzes.I have been a member of a couple of teams but they can ruin a pub if you want a bit of peace and quiet.Won £30 at Butlins last summer with family and paid for the drinks. We used to wind the landlord up by putting in spoof team names for him to read out inc Hugh Jarse or what about Norfolk and Chance.I will not mention the very rude ones.

  8. #8
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by london calling View Post
    I like pub quizzes.I have been a member of a couple of teams but they can ruin a pub if you want a bit of peace and quiet.
    I used to be the secretary and sometime question setter for the quiz league in Lancaster, many years ago, and also won a bit of silverware (sorry, silver-coated plastic) in my time, but that was (still is) a pub vs pub competition run along the lines of University Challenge, rather than the show biz-type event that pubs put on these days on what would otherwise be a quiet night. As you realised, I was just looking for a quiet pint the other night to wind down after a full day; I'm not against quiz nights per se.
    Come On You Hatters!

  9. #9
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Out saving pubs and enjoying it.


    The quiz in my local only takes place in the summer in the garden, if it rains it is cancelled,the landlord won't have it inside, because it is a small pub and would likely spoil any non quizzer's pub experience. It does however ensure a fairly busy Monday evening when it would otherwise likely be quiet.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire
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    Sep 2012


    My visit to the Bohemia Finchley was ruined by the quizmaster on a microphone blasting out the quiz.I sat outside on the cold windy Finchley rd.Anyone eating would have had their night ruined.

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