Enterprise (or as I like to think of it The Provisional Wing of the Salvation Army) has successfully removed another den of Satan from the World and saved yet more souls from twin evils of social interaction (less chance of catching ebola if you don't mix with other humans) and convivial drinking (far better to get drunk on duty-free vodka in the comfort of your own home). Thank goodness the supermarket that will now be housed in this historic edifice will sell cut-price canned fizzy lager so that Snodland's youth can imbibe it cheaply in front of the television without the inconvenience of having to talk to fellow villagers and have your parents know what you get up to. Far better for our pensioners to save their money so they can spend longer in a better care home than waste their lives enjoying things like darts and dominos. I would have prefered to see another nail bar or a community centre for a religious group opposed to the beer-and-pork-scratchings combo, but you can't have everything.

Congratulations Enterprise - your jihad is going well, and I hope your shareholders take pride in what you are doing for this country as they spend their dividends.