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Thread: Man versus Food

  1. #1
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    Default Man versus Food

    I think we all like our food and drink just whatever takes our fancy.
    Two things came together this week which surprised me. First is Jamie Oliver finding stiff resistance to his healthy eating crusade in regards to what Americans eat. The second is a program on TV called Man v Food. I have not seen it on TV but have streamed some episodes over the internet.
    This program is the altar to over indulgence and the most unhealthy eating practices you have ever seen. I am an overweight, pear shaped man. Not as fussy as he should be about what he eats. I like burgers, overfond of pies, likes fish and chips KFC chicken and pigs out on a carvery given the chance. But I would be considered bulemic should I ever try to eat in the places shown on this program.
    The portions of food are massive yet considered healthy because they contain fried fresh veg. The 2 lb of pork and beef, mayonnaise, mustards and sauces are errm American. Its what made the good old US of A. Chilli of life threatening , atomic strength which even the cooks who make it refuse to eat are the mark of the All American Male.
    If you get a chance please watch a few episodes . The US could probably feed half a dozen countries on what it overindulges and throws away. The average American is not shown in a good light. They would fit in with our lager louts very well. TV at its lowest common denominator.
    Jamie, you dont stand a chance.

  2. #2
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Last time i went to Florida i paid a $1 50 for breakfast , 3 rashers bacon , 2 fried eggs , tomatoes , mushrooms , hashbrowns , beans and 3 syrup pancakes + a jug of hot maple syrup and has much coffe as you could drink
    The beer was the same , a16oz glass of Bud $1 99 , a 6 pint jug $5 ,
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  3. #3
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    I have only been to the USA twice .Both times to Florida but only four days apart with the Republic of Columbia in between times. I think out of the 19 days I spent there I had two memorable meals. One the food was a pleasure to eat. The second was a water front eatery where a dolphin put on an impromptu show in a marina full of boats. The only dolphin I saw during my stay. Most of the fish came from New Zealand, the Lobster from Alaska and the the beef likely from the Argentine. The buckets of chicken wings with a pitcher of beer were much the same chicken wings are the world over but free. If self catering then everything tasted " sweet" as if containing sugar. Lots of the catering and bar staff were English. On returning to England we had to go to Blackpool for a family event. Who did we find serving us ? Youngsters from Florida ! From Miami to Key West and along the Gulf Of Mexico I found Florida a bit of a let down.. Dont bother driving all the way to Key West, its a real pain and looks like strip development. Take a plane ride instead.

  4. #4
    Inndigestion Strongers's Avatar
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    I visited Florida for three weeks when I was 14 and it was the best holiday I’ve ever had on the food front. Steak and chips where the steak overhangs the oversize plate and it cannot be seen due to the chips being piled on top of it. Chocolate chip pancakes with extra chocolate chips and chocolate syrup for breakfast. Not my cup of tea now, but I was amazed that I could get away with eating it at all let alone for breakfast. One night in a restaurant my aunt asked to look at the fruit cart for some pudding and the overly friendly waitress looked at her as if she had grown a second head.

    One gripe I did have was the blood soaked bun base on the burgers because all meat was cooked medium rare, unlike here where blue, rare, medium and well done usually emerge dry and covered in some sauce that costs an extra nicker.

  5. #5
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Charlie Brooker did an excellent write up of Man versus Food in the Guardian last week, it sounded scary enough to scare me off.

  6. #6
    Inndigestion Strongers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    Charlie Brooker did an excellent write up of Man versus Food in the Guardian last week, it sounded scary enough to scare me off.
    Sounds like he ate it though... Top man!

  7. #7
    In Search of Ebriety Millay's Avatar
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    I’ve been over to Las Vegas five times now and it one of the few places that I don’t feel vastly overweight It is of course home to the all-you-can-eat buffet and they really do go for it with massive amounts of food available. They do have a lot of healthy foods available amongst all the BBQ ribs, pizza and fried chicken, and the Village Seafood Buffet at the Rio is fantastic. I once saw a guy feast entirely on crab claws, nothing else apart from a gallon of coke, he just kept going up for plate after plate.

    Apparently the trick in Vegas is to go half an hour before the breakfast buffet turns into the lunch buffet so you pay the lower price but are still there for the lunchtime dishes. Personally I found that a good breakfast buffet around 11am would set me up for the day and I wouldn’t really need to eat anything else, maybe grab a hot dog around midnight to see me through the late night blackjack sessions

  8. #8
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    Charlie Brooker did an excellent write up of Man versus Food in the Guardian last week, it sounded scary enough to scare me off.
    That write up hit the spot. Charlie is quite correct with his choice of words. I have felt sick watching some episodes. Some of the dishes look interesting and may be worth a nibble but when you see the size of a normal portion being guzzled by customers......Heave Ho.
    I have not seen a "Challenge Dish" in the UK since the 1980s. Gluttony is still about but comes in smaller portions. Sixteen ounce steaks are to much for me and they seem to be fading from menus.

    I feel hungry. What have we got in the fridge ? pot of out of date yoghurt and an open packet of something green and furry. I could kill my granny for a traditional English breakfast....good job they both popped off years ago.

  9. #9
    I'll stay on me own Alesonly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arwkrite View Post
    . Sixteen ounce steaks are to much for me and they seem to be fading from menus.

    I feel hungry. What have we got in the fridge ? pot of out of date yoghurt and an open packet of something green and furry. I could kill my granny for a traditional English breakfast....good job they both popped off years ago.
    Ive just Had a good Fry up in my local Caf I Had the Extra large Big breakfast as I was starving after last nights Beer session. Big Breakfast was Three Rashers of Bacon Two Eggs Three Pork Sausages A slice of Fried Bread Black Pudding Baked Beans Three Hash Browns & Mushroom's served with three slices of toasts And several Mugs of Tea.
    Oh well bang gos my diet as I also had the large Mixed Grill in Wetherspoons last night.
    Don't You just hate Pubs that say
    ( We don't stock any Real Ales as theres Just no call for it.)

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    Ales,do you perhaps work in the line of extra-ordinary rendition ( what a nice name for something nasty ). I feel faint from hunger, the laptop turned into a pizza and I am now belching computer components. The packet of green and furry has disappeared and I dont feel well. I have some cookery books , how many pages do I have to eat for a good meal.
    Its no good .I will go and have a walk and see if I can find any roadkill. Failing that I wonder if my stepsons fed his cat yet. Two meals in one there maybe.

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