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Thread: brewery bars

  1. #1
    This Space For Hire
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default brewery bars

    London has loads of new breweries and they are following the American example by opening bars inside the breweries.London Fields ,Camden ,Kernal, Redchurch,Brupond and Weird Beard either have or will have bars soon.Will they be included on pubs galore or is there a definition of a pub/bar for inclusion.

  2. #2
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    We have the Theakstons, Black Sheep and Copper Dragon ones on the site but they are open to the public without an entrance charge or being on a brewery tour. On the other hand we don't have the Saltaire beer club which is free and open to the public but only on the last friday of every month. So without opening the old can of worms yet again if its open for free and sells drinks I'd stick it on but use some common sense.

  3. #3
    The Beerhunter. RogerB's Avatar
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    Dec 2009
    Dartford, Kentshire near Londinium.


    The Scrumpy House at Westons Cider Mill in Much Marcle also falls into this category - strangely enough I stuck up a review yesterday!

  4. #4
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    I have been in two minds about adding the Ironbridge Brewery to the site , the Brewery shop has at least one beer on draught for sale and now has some outside seating overlooking the river , it is also open most days although not at night .
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  5. #5
    Palookaville hondo's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Oggwyn Trench View Post
    I have been in two minds about adding the Ironbridge Brewery to the site , the Brewery shop has at least one beer on draught for sale and now has some outside seating overlooking the river , it is also open most days although not at night .
    I would add it and state the details in the review
    "Do I know where hell is? hell is in hello"

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