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Thread: Time Travel

  1. #31
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    But they did not have the Telly either. We drove from Tring to Bicester on the morning of Diana's funeral and it was weird. The roads were virtually empty, I would say that we saw no more than a dozen vehicles on the entire journey and that may be an over estimamation. Bicester Village was closed and the town deserted so we carried on, finally stopping at a pub somewhere in a Cotswold town for a drink and a meal. I remember the TV showing the hearse stopping at the start of the M1 to remove the flowers from the bonnet and the driver gently placing them at the roadside.A really thoughtfull action. I imagine something similar may have happened when Winston Churchill died but things were much stiff upper lipped in those days.
    I do not subscribe to the sainthood of Diana but do think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time .Her life would probably have been happier and longer had she not been picked out as a brood mare for the Royal Family.

  2. #32
    In Search of Ebriety Millay's Avatar
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    I don’t think I’d go too far back, maybe about 60 years. The post war years seem much more simple than today’s world. People had a more positive outlook on life having come through the war, there was a community spirit, respect for others and people had values based upon a desire to be seen as a good citizen. Those growing up in the 50’s had a great deal to look forward to over the next twenty years, the excitement of colour TV, the expansion of air travel meaning new countries and adventures were open to them, major events like the conquest of Everest and the moon landings, plus of course the thrill of a World Cup winning team. Medical advances including penicillin, anti-biotics and organ transplants helped lead to a better quality of life.

    On the other hand that same twenty years gave rise to some of the things that led to problems in today’s society. The proliferation of cars has led to gridlock on our roads, the invention of the microwave and appearance of McDonalds has meant the idea of a family meal has all but disappeared. Credit cards have contributed to debt problems, mobile phones mean we rarely get a moments peace and the World Wide Web, 24-hour television and computer games have resulted in whole generation being in danger of growing up without the social and communication skills to participate in society.

    If we look at all of these things, both good and bad, they are things that someone born in 1950 will have embraced as new and exciting, but those born in 2000 take them for granted and see them as a right. I do rather fear for the future so in answer to the time machine question it would certainly be back and not forward.

    Sorry, bit of a morose post, the first beer of the day should sort that out.

  3. #33
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I still haven't thought of a good answer to the actual time machine question, I think though I would go back to ancient Greece. Try and find one of the brief peaceful periods and enjoy the birth of Republic and what would eventually become modern Physics and Chemistry.

  4. #34
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    Millay I was born in 1950 and perhaps your summing up of the experinces of my generation explain my views. When I started out as a lad the future was an exciting place to look forward to. I should not imagine children of the same age today look to the future with the same excitement.
    Now for the depressing bit !Looking back over my life I try to think of one childhood/ teenage dream that I have attained. What is that one thing that I have done to improve the lot of my fellow man ? Well, Nothing. Not one dream attained, not one lasting act for humanity. I have spent 30 years making industrial parts out of alloys that will, most probably,last till the end of time. The metals were designed to be indestructable.
    Just as a I get to the point where I should be able to sit back and reap the rewards of my life times work the bottom drops out of the financial industry.Without doubt my generation has had the best to date regarding Health Care and Diet when properly applied. No world wide wars on the scale of WW1 & 2 mean I have had an easy life compared to that of the previous two/three generations. Its no wonder that I don't particularly want to go anywhere else.

  5. #35
    I'll stay on me own runningdog's Avatar
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    I'm of the school of thought that there is no way I'd like to live in the past for any extended period whether rich or poor, but I'd love to be a visitor. During my brief period of trying to write for a living I based the plot of my hoped for 'opus grande' on time travel so I've thought about this.
    Going back to London during the 2nd WW, would be one target, just to see how my childhood memories stood up to adult life. I'd pay good money to be a witness at events such as the launching of the Queen Mary, to travel on her or any other of the great liners.How about joining the RAF in 1939, learning to fly a Spifire. I wonder, would I go through with it, or take a sickie.
    My personal favourite, taking my uncle's Healey Silverstone for a blast round my local roads in the 1950s. Sheer magic.......
    Anyone know where I can book..........
    Pubs are a hobby, real ale is a passion. Oh, and like me dogs, fear no evil..........

  6. #36
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    I still haven't thought of a good answer to the actual time machine question, I think though I would go back to ancient Greece. Try and find one of the brief peaceful periods and enjoy the birth of Republic and what would eventually become modern Physics and Chemistry.
    If you need to know any Greek Swearwords , I`m your man
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  7. #37
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    I would not go anywhere without flushing toilets and soft 3ply toilet paper so that would cut down the choice abit.

  8. #38
    This Space For Hire Pubsignman's Avatar
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    If I could go back in time for a limited period, I'd want to be involved in the age of exploration...having a whole unmapped continent in front of you must have been a thrilling and somewhat terrifying experience. If I had to pick one, I'd join Burke and Wills' doomed attempt to get from one end of Australia to the other. With the benefit of my hindsight, it could become a successful mission (i.e. don't eat your camels, don't shoot the natives etc...). But as mentioned by others, it's not an era I'd want to live in for an extended period of time.

    My other option would be to go back to 1978, the year I was born, so I could watch The Clash at the peak of their powers.

  9. #39
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pubsignman View Post
    My other option would be to go back to 1978, the year I was born, so I could watch The Clash at the peak of their powers.
    No need to do that from my point of view. Saw The Clash and The Jam a fortnight apart at Leed University in 1978.(Both brilliant) Also, Wayne County and the Electric Chairs inbetween. Those were the days I used to give RogerB a run for his money!
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  10. #40
    Humble Wordsmith ETA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arwkrite View Post
    Would I wish to spend any extended time in the past ? ...
    What does that leave ? Me ,Roger and Trainman milking The Lotteries and bankrupting William Hills. I will settle for that. Enough to make the rest of my life comfortable.
    Isn't that one of the tenets of "Time Traveller's Wife", used to explain how someone who doesn't have a well paid job lives a millionaire lifestyle?

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