I was a little bored so I decided to pop over to the toothy site for a laugh and I found this load of nonsense.

Back at the new inn. The bees had finally come out of hiding under the table and
discovered their queen dead. Murdered by hortense and the bee spray. The bees
were livid and arguing about what was best for the swarm. Two factions emerged.
Firstly bees in the evening led by retired worker bee chrisbee. They were a
harmless well mannered swarm who believed in the traditional values set down by
the old queen. The others were a group of radicals called buzzgalore led by
rogerbee. This group of radical bees would only collect nectar from the most
colourful flowers and wouldnt dirty their furry arms on less colourful shades.
Rogerbee was well respected amongst the buzzgalore swarm because he was able to
buzz for long periods of time nonstop. The bees in the evening swarm however had
always considered him to be a bit of a drone.
The two bee factions were
congregated on opposite sides of the pub trying to bash their way out through
the closed windows. Some bees led by millybee were buzzing on the fence trying
to settle the differences between the two groups. Others such as trainbee and
strongersbee were full of hatred and disgust toward the peaceloving bees in the
evening swarm. Chrisbee spent most of his time sleeping and counting his
Small cracks were begining to appear on the closed windows even though
there were plenty of open windows. It wouldent be long now till the bees were
reaping their revenge on the murdering hortense and her horrible husband
But in the meantime let us return to the anchor.

strange.ramblings - 19 Oct 2010 21:17