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View Full Version : Taking the Beard Out of Beer - IPA Day

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04-08-2011, 11:11
Visit the Taking the Beard Out of Beer site (http://girlsguidetobeer.blogspot.com/2011/08/ipa-day.html)

http://dallasbeerweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/IPA-Day.jpg (http://dallasbeerweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/IPA-Day.jpg)
Sadly, I've not had time to get behind this, because it's in the middle of GBBF*, but I do like the idea a lot.

To be honest, I'm not obsessive about IPAs like a lot of my fellow beer nerds, I'm a pretty full-spectrum drinker. Don't get me wrong, I love a great one but this isn't necessarily why I'm so pro-IPA day.

I simply like ideas that bring the world's beer community together.

It's a truly amazing thing, this global beer community we've got going on - and it's also a privilege to live in an age when the face of social interaction and communication has gone from very expensive phone calls to my relatives in Canada in the dead of night, to being able to see them over a webcam and call them for free on Skype.

And to take it a step further, it means I've got to know guys like @beermentv all the way in Australia, and it's amazing that I can keep in touch with @EpicBeerKel now he's buggered off back to New Zealand (still sulking), and make sure that @GeorgeJuniper was okay after the terrible disasters in Japan just five months ago.

But most importantly I can speak to, and hear from, the worldwide beer community and it's this that clever @TheBeerWench has tapped into for IPA day.

So, even if you can't make an organised event, get to your local pub, bottle shop or supermarket and raise a glass of IPA to all your fellow beer lovers around the world doing the same thing; and let's see if we can get it trending on Twitter!

*Oi, Wenchie darling, can we not have it at same time as one of the biggest beer festivals in the world next year, I'm knackered enough as it is!!https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/7870641958407671573-2867691390161614983?l=girlsguidetobeer.blogspot.co m

More... (http://girlsguidetobeer.blogspot.com/2011/08/ipa-day.html)