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29-06-2011, 12:41
Visit The Pub Curmudgeon site (http://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2011/06/smoking-and-freedom.html)

There’s a very interesting blog posting at Liberal Vision:

Smoking, Freedom and all things (ob)noxious (http://www.liberal-vision.org/2011/06/28/smoking-freedom-and-all-things-obnoxiouxs/)

The demolition of the “protecting the health of workers” argument is particularly good:

The third point, then, must address what is often portrayed as both the main argument and the one hardest to refute – though ASH admitted it was in fact merely a tactical ploy – which is that something must be done to protect the health of workers. This, again, is a property rights issue: every man has a property in his own person, and is able to make an informed decision as to the costs and benefits of any employment. The idea that no person should be allowed to take employment that carries a risk is absurd. Instead, the risks should be made clear and individuals should be free to determine the balance for themselves. If people are able to evaluate the risks of going to war or space, of running into burning buildings or driving 40 tonne trucks across a thin layer of ice above the Arctic Ocean, they are presumably able to evaluate the risks, and the potential rewards, in terms of wage premiums, higher overall levels of employment, and so forth.

Some might not mind working in a smoky bar; some might actively enjoy it; and some might value the extra income more than they fear the health risks. But it is their choice to make. They do not need ASH or the government taking decisions for them. It is that removal of individual choice, discretion and responsibility that is “bastardising the central plank of liberalism”.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/5623537812609722663-2996682198900534190?l=pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com

More... (http://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2011/06/smoking-and-freedom.html)