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05-05-2011, 13:30
Visit the Tandleman's Beer Blog site (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2011/05/german-news.html)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-aQ_o08rgFvY/TcKiuDFOY2I/AAAAAAAAC1o/yubY4-on9Qo/s320/pissbier.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-aQ_o08rgFvY/TcKiuDFOY2I/AAAAAAAAC1o/yubY4-on9Qo/s1600/pissbier.jpg)According to the Federal Statistical Office, Germany sold 20.8 million hectolitres of beer in the first quarter of 2011. That was a decrease of 0.1 million hectolitres (–0.4%) from the corresponding period of the previous year. So gloom there too.

It seems too that the Germans are getting round their somewhat loophole filled smoking ban with comparative ease. Despite widespread smoking bans across Germany, more than four out of five corner pubs and bars still have patrons smoking inside, a study released on Tuesday has found. A survey of nearly 3,000 eating and drinking venues in 10 major cities found that complex and numerous exemptions are being widely exploited to allow smoking to continue.

Since August 2007, laws have been gradually introduced in all German states to protect people against passive smoke. However many exemptions exist. Düsseldorf had the most smoking bars and also the most breaches of the law with 41% of all hospitality venues still allowing smoking, but failing to warn their patrons that they do. Munich came out on top. A general smoking ban has been in force there since August 2010. Yet even here, 17 percent of bars make use of the single exception that is still possible in Bavaria – that smoking is permitted in private clubs or associations.

Meanwhile the German Brewers Association revealed that Germany has 1,325 breweries currently though warning at the same time that this number is likely to fall due to takeovers.

Finally, I'll leave you with this quote from a contributor to a discussion on the beer purity laws. "lots of countries in Europe allow brewers to use chemicals ,the lager in the U.K. has no natural things in it at all."

Oh well. But if you look at the photo, perhaps their beer is just too natural?

My thanks to The Localhttps://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/8629758183547510158-7022437475548449196?l=tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.c om

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