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View Full Version : Happy New Year

31-12-2010, 15:04
Here is wishing you and yours a Happy New Year.

Stay safe but have an enjoyable time whatever and wherever doing your thing.

I am off now to a couple of my locals for some beers before the nutters come out to play. Have a good'un everyone.:drinkup::drinkup::drinkup::glass:

31-12-2010, 15:19
I'm off to the British Oak in Blackheath. There is a good covers band playing called the Life Of Brian that features Kate Bush's original guitarist (Brian Bath) and Squeeze's original drummer (Paul Gunn) so should be quite a professional approach and you never know who may turns up for a jam with people like them. It will certainly be far better than the backing tape dross and karaoke that drives me out of most pubs on such occasions. Looking forward to it.

I hope everyone enjoys their nights in/out and is able to reconvene in the New Year with tales of mayhem. Happy New Year everyone.

31-12-2010, 15:27
Happy new year everyone - hope you all have a good one:cheers:

I am just popping up the road for a swift couple before returning with a Chinese feast !

I am the only nutter here :drinkup::drinkup::drinkup:

31-12-2010, 15:46
All the best everyone.

We,re off for a few early ones to beat the nutters and the VAT increase.

Soup Dragon
31-12-2010, 15:58
Yep, Happy New Year one and all,

I shall not be on the beer tonight.............. just stick to the port i think!

31-12-2010, 18:24
I'm staying in and chugging through the mass migrate tool whilst listening to St Etienne and drinking a rather disappointing bottle of Snecklifter. Ah well, I'll get some proper stuff in tomorrow. And darts at Frimley Green on the 3rd to look forward to :)

31-12-2010, 18:32
Yes Happy new Year too all I'm at working till Monday night so no Beer too at least Tuesday Evening for me.
Dam it now I'm craving a Pint I haven't had one since Christmas Eve. :(

31-12-2010, 19:48
Yes, Happy New Year to all, even if next year is likely to be a little bit crap.

I don't generally celebrate the turning of a calendar page.

My evening will consist of worrying where my daughter is, foolishly IMO having gone up to Central London with a few people despite her knowledge of town being limited.

Meanwhile I may have a snifter or six.

Andy Ven
31-12-2010, 19:58
This last year wasn't bad. Next year will be like no other before for me and Mrs Ven.

I'm having just one or two steady drinks - I don't know if I will be required to drive.

Best wishes to all of you. Here's to getting PG to the number one spot in the pub-review-website hit parade

Dave M
31-12-2010, 20:06
I'm staying in and chugging through the mass migrate tool whilst listening to St Etienne and drinking a rather disappointing bottle of Snecklifter.

There often seems to be at least one person using the site on NYE, including what I think of as one of the most mysterious PuG users ever...

Ron Aycock (http://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/userinfo.php?name=Ron+Ayccok) joined the site 4 years ago today. He submitted 22 photos, all within 2 hours on that evening and then one link in the early hours of January 1st. Oddly though he never returned, very strange! Ron, if you are out there we'd love to have some more of your photos! :)

Anyway, Happy New Year to you all, thanks to everyone for making the site enjoyable to work on!

31-12-2010, 20:31
time to sign off as Mrs Quinno is back from her jaunt out. Cup of tea, sausages and Wallander on iplayer (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00wvbsw/Wallander/) for me this evening :)

I shall return tomorrow to see if I can get the mass migrate down to under 30 pages...

31-12-2010, 20:53
Just a quick hello and happy new year. Had a fantastically busy week and taking my first 10 minute break of the day after starting at 8am. Kitchen so busy everything I prep each morning sells out at lunch, so afternoon = prep and sell out in evening. Fantastic for the pub but a week of it and I'm bloody knackered. A 49er for me after work and then bed!

01-01-2011, 07:52
Happy New Year everyone.

Should have been in York but had to stay home and nurse a nasty cough not helped by paddling in the sea in Blankenburg on Christmas Day. Did manage to celebrate with a bottle of Bush Noel 12% which helped me get a good night's sleep.

01-01-2011, 09:10
A surprisingly clear head this morning but then I was drinking tea all night. :eek:

OK, it was Hogs Back T.E.A.!

01-01-2011, 09:39
A sluggish start to the day mainly due to the daughter not getting in till 05:10am rather than alcohol intake.

Happy New Year all....yawns.

01-01-2011, 10:28
Happy NY to all, as usual I just went to bed and ignored the midnight bit. Shortly off down th pub to see if any 6X is left from the New Year's party that I deliberately avoided

01-01-2011, 14:16
Yep,Happy New Year!I didn't manage to get to the butcher yesterday, so as punishment I've got to take the family to the pub for Sunday lunch. If I'm very lucky, Larkin's Porter will be on!

Al 10000
01-01-2011, 15:02
I would like to wish all of you an Happy New year,and hope we all have a good time visiting pubs, drinking beer and and talking to complete strangers! Well thats what i like doing.

01-01-2011, 15:40
we all have a good time visiting pubs, drinking beer and and talking to complete strangers! Well thats what i like doing.
Oh God, it is not yo (http://forums.pubsgalore.co.uk/showthread.php?5236-The-Pub-Curmudgeon-Bad-characters&p=25762#post25762)u is it?

Soup Dragon
01-01-2011, 15:45
Oh God, it is not yo (http://forums.pubsgalore.co.uk/showthread.php?5236-The-Pub-Curmudgeon-Bad-characters&p=25762#post25762)u is it?

Christ, i fall into both categories

Al 10000
01-01-2011, 15:59
Oh God, it is not yo (http://forums.pubsgalore.co.uk/showthread.php?5236-The-Pub-Curmudgeon-Bad-characters&p=25762#post25762)u is it?

I hope not Farway i dont usually stay in a pub that long when i am visiting new ones but i do sometimes ask the customers if there are anymore decent pubs nearby.

01-01-2011, 17:22
Christ, i fall into both categories

Sounds like me too. I checked this out this afternoon and found I naturally sat between two tables 'cos the tables were pushed up against the benches and I couldn't be arsed to move them, other than that I just did the usual wandering about talking to people now and again, it's called being sociable isn't it?:p

I'd obviously have moved if some disagreeable old Lancastrian git had needed to sit down, were you in Yorkshire today ROBCamra by the way?:D

01-01-2011, 17:33
were you in Yorkshire today ROBCamra by the way?:D

Nope, staying in Gods county all day. Just about to go and drink more beer in Tandlemans Pub Of The Year! Happy New Year OB.:)

01-01-2011, 17:44
Nope, staying in Gods county all day. Just about to go and drink more beer in Tandlemans Pub Of The Year! Happy New Year OB.:)

sounds good as long as you don't bump into the miserable (scotch) git himself:D

I agree the Baum is an outstanding pub and at least Tandy recognises quality.

Happy new year to you, Mrs C, and the rest of the Beer Fest crew, hope to see you all (bar you know who!) soon for the usual gallon or two.

02-01-2011, 12:37
A bit late off the mark, but I'd like to wish everyone involved with the site a Happy New Year. 2010 was a great year for PuG and I suspect 2011's going to be even better.

No beer at all for me on New Year's Eve, more rioja, burgundy and Chilean carmenere and some nice food cooked by friends. Had a 'dry' day yesterday, but getting a bit twitchy again, for more beer, today. I feel a wander into town coming on!

02-01-2011, 19:42
Happy New Year everyone!

I'm just about functioning today after being at the darts at Ally Pally on Thursday 30th and then my sister-in-laws wedding on New Years Eve which was held at a local rugby club. My wife and her sister are of mancunian stock and my new brother-in-law is Bosnian so it was an interesting night full of cheek kissing, north/south banter and euro pop. Great stuff and the Guinness was only £2.50. Shame the dartboard was covered with decorations and out of use!!!!!!!

03-01-2011, 13:57
A very belated Happy New Year from me as well. Thanks to everyone here for an excellent year that has seen this site continue to evolve and many of us meet in the real world :)