View Full Version : Ed's Beer Site - Saving mild for another year

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12-05-2024, 16:33
Visit Ed's Beer Site (http://edsbeer.blogspot.com/2024/05/saving-mild-for-another-year.html)

People think it's all milk and honey 'Spoons vouchers and discounts being a CAMRA member. But as CAMRA is a campaigning organisation there are responsibilities and obligations placed upon the membership.
One that I struggle with each year is the requirement to drink mild in May (https://camra.org.uk/what-we-do/mild-month/). It's not that I have anything against mild in itself, it's just I seldom see it on the bar. So each year the search begins again and often I have to make a detour via the Royal Oak (https://www.royaloaklondon.co.uk/) when on a trip to London to fulfil my obligation. This year I started May in Ireland, a country that fell to evil keg where few pubs serve cask beer so I didn't rate my chances. When I tweeted this I was admonished by The Beer Nut (https://x.com/thebeernut/status/1785734192300474652) for my defeatist attitude and he valiantly tried to help me in my quest. What a coup that would have been! To have saved mild in Ireland! But sadly it was not to be and I failed to find mild poured from the devil's drainpipe on keg, let alone served as god intended.
Back in Britain I could constantly feel the pressure from my undischarged duty. As it can be surprising how quickly a month can fly by I was determined to get the saving done soon. Advances in technology were my salvation as the beers on at The Crown (https://www1.camra.org.uk/pubs/crown-horsell-150274) are regularly updated on Real Ale Finder.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhouFPx_bVH5TTH6GJ1H4mekXhaP1KzxCMFE6JIXZtxqH Atsf059wniIfMBZo5M1R2R6mfGVXeDt3qJJHz9rptxkgYVoiQt j7_MjZatCkzm-I0YPAOC9y_zCNMa9O7YrgmvCvN123jBrzzok4A3ZRba3hCifAC sOZGZ7Ybz2yoHc6QSJmUebxOGkDKf003w/w180-h400/Screenshot_20240512-151055.png (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhouFPx_bVH5TTH6GJ1H4mekXhaP1KzxCMFE6JIXZtxqH Atsf059wniIfMBZo5M1R2R6mfGVXeDt3qJJHz9rptxkgYVoiQt j7_MjZatCkzm-I0YPAOC9y_zCNMa9O7YrgmvCvN123jBrzzok4A3ZRba3hCifAC sOZGZ7Ybz2yoHc6QSJmUebxOGkDKf003w/s2400/Screenshot_20240512-151055.png)

Having a quick nose on Saturday afternoon I was delighted to see that the unambiguously named Dark Mild was on the bar so I hot footed it over for a pint.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiuHKIM_Q1oEQ9BKRFtKliNhF1nA7arJJWZmfCrElk7mM d5IFi4JcgMkZvsF4Lb76l3k0Tcf3g_zwX-lQn2VPZLigdJVNnlrc2oVELo2QFEIS0X67FnwuxgJMK-NOADz9N-uYN8HRnvw9AQ9hUPObJMUY3-wqml6w2Q6ZZGRO56F1UpAD7a62Hp9R-Kc3mr/w301-h400/IMG_20240511_151413575_HDR.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiuHKIM_Q1oEQ9BKRFtKliNhF1nA7arJJWZmfCrElk7mM d5IFi4JcgMkZvsF4Lb76l3k0Tcf3g_zwX-lQn2VPZLigdJVNnlrc2oVELo2QFEIS0X67FnwuxgJMK-NOADz9N-uYN8HRnvw9AQ9hUPObJMUY3-wqml6w2Q6ZZGRO56F1UpAD7a62Hp9R-Kc3mr/s4080/IMG_20240511_151413575_HDR.jpg)

Very nice it was too. Mild, and my immortal soul, are saved for another year.

More... (http://edsbeer.blogspot.com/2024/05/saving-mild-for-another-year.html)