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09-05-2024, 07:10
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/05/keg.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjaj4G4ng1Zf3t6gASw9hrVBvtB4n5TiYZnv1BEaPBN3_ GskMlGNgEPYreljM6uQDrTxqcOm7yMmFb5joX2vTd0Y7wMXCIr 81BSr7Rru5F6EWSfx2YXaW3OeOC4HV79KDOQeA7CQrPbIIsb8Y ILhE1PYy9O5ztrNJtlcVQI2XUUnOoaHm1g2MJFT7wABdY/s320/Whitbread_Tankard_beermat.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjaj4G4ng1Zf3t6gASw9hrVBvtB4n5TiYZnv1BEaPBN3_ GskMlGNgEPYreljM6uQDrTxqcOm7yMmFb5joX2vTd0Y7wMXCIr 81BSr7Rru5F6EWSfx2YXaW3OeOC4HV79KDOQeA7CQrPbIIsb8Y ILhE1PYy9O5ztrNJtlcVQI2XUUnOoaHm1g2MJFT7wABdY/s410/Whitbread_Tankard_beermat.jpg)
My recent travels have interrupted my main work for a couple of months. What with queueing up posts for my days away, then endlessly chronicling those same days.

London with Andrew was for research, at least, for one of my current projects. What was supposed to be a fairly quick book like "Stout!", ended up a huge dig into the facts and experiences of the 1970s. For the first time, I have a chance to talk to the brewers whose names I see in the ledgers.

I've interviewed a few people so far. Hopefully, I'll be able to talk with more. Then there's The Brewers' Guardian. I've found so much great stuff in it. And I'm only halfway through 1970. Nine and a half years more material. Just as well I'm retired.

"Keg!" started as a little side project. Before becoming something more. As the first period I've written about where I have a direct personal connection, the 1970s resonate more emotionally. I drank these beers. I drank in these pubs. Of course, I'd dive willingly into a black hole of research once I started.

The time and effort to photograph a good selection of the Young's records was well worth it. And good to have a couple of days with Andrew. Who also turned out to be dead useful as an assistant.

I could easily publish "Keg!" in its current form. It's a complete book. I just don't know when to stop. And some material I'm not sure whether I should use or not.

Like a listing for every brewery and all the beers that they brewed (pretty much) with the OG where I know it. I already have a spreadsheet with that information. But wonder: is anyone that intested in 1970s beer?

I'd love to get my hands on some more 1970s brewing records. There must be plenty more knocking around. Surely.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/05/keg.html)