View Full Version : Cooking Lager - Beer Styles

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20-10-2010, 14:22
Visit the Cooking Lager site (http://cookinglager.blogspot.com/2010/10/beer-styles.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_eQjR-WeaVPY/TL7lupHy7aI/AAAAAAAAAdY/YxsfvpgASv0/s320/poster_beer_1300.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_eQjR-WeaVPY/TL7lupHy7aI/AAAAAAAAAdY/YxsfvpgASv0/s1600/poster_beer_1300.jpg)
Beer Style, does it matter?

The answer is quite clearly no. Lots of things matter, your missus, your kids, your job, your health. Beer is clearly in the general category of something that does not matter. Not one bit. Not in the slightest. Pretty much everything else in the world matters more than beer. Whilst beer experts may have 133 differing styles of beer, there are only 4 styles actually in existence

Neckable and cheap

Neckable and pricey

Unneckable and cheap

Unneckable and pricey

Now anyone in their right mind would express a preference for the first style, but there are those that for whatever odd reason might express a preference for the second. Whether that is insanity, snobbery, having more money than sense, wishing to "support pubs and brewing" or any other weird point of view you can imagine. It’s a free country, it takes all sorts and all that.

In certain circumstances it is worth training the palate for the third style, when the option of the first is unobtainable. It is possible to learn to like all manner of weird grog if you persist in necking it. You can acquire a taste for all manner of nasty stuff if you are persistent. This explains the existence of CAMRA and all those that like pongy ale. The fourth style arguably exists but it is one of those great mysteries as to why. A mystery on a par with crystal skulls (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_skull).

So there you have it. Beer styles explained in a concise and informative manner. For more check out Ade (http://maltworms.blogspot.com/2010/10/more-thoughts-on-beer-styles.html), Pete (http://petebrown.blogspot.com/2010/10/my-final-post-on-beer-styles.html), Fuggie (http://www.fuggled.net/2010/10/everyone-else-is-writing-about-styles.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Fuggled+(Fuggled)), or Dredge (http://www.pencilandspoon.com/2010/10/beer-style-does-is-matter.html), then ignore it and get down to Sainsbury’s where 2 boxes of grog are £15. All of it neckable and cheap and right up the cooking lager enthusiasts street.


More... (http://cookinglager.blogspot.com/2010/10/beer-styles.html)