View Full Version : The Beer Nut - A glass, please

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01-05-2024, 09:20
Visit The Beer Nut site (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2024/05/a-glass-please.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjZQOPESCcl-hSJttZ2n4QjYC4S-5N0snuY3gUABMo29KGL9FnqAfuKrU80QvTlKW9eCFxmzo1-ivIkfsuFLoLV6q7RPqF8q6JxqSEnFLJpnNYeamwQHr8smha23_ ccAuas873z9CQmNWUles3Mj_WqCOVGBZSl9_rF8kmIU90WJMFL N_4Hok6rWw/s320/galway_bay_brewery_obsidian_imperial_stout.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjZQOPESCcl-hSJttZ2n4QjYC4S-5N0snuY3gUABMo29KGL9FnqAfuKrU80QvTlKW9eCFxmzo1-ivIkfsuFLoLV6q7RPqF8q6JxqSEnFLJpnNYeamwQHr8smha23_ ccAuas873z9CQmNWUles3Mj_WqCOVGBZSl9_rF8kmIU90WJMFL N_4Hok6rWw/s3810/galway_bay_brewery_obsidian_imperial_stout.jpg)Gal way Bay has been one of the more prolific breweries in 2024, which I very much welcome. Their third new beer of 2024 landed in mid-March, an imperial stout called Obsidian. The name references more than just the colour: it's on a Mexican theme, with chillis and chocolate, plus vanilla and cinnamon for the hot chocolate effect.

That sounds like a lot of novelty but it's worn lightly. At heart it's a dense 12% ABV stout with lots of old-fashioned bitterness, suggesting very high-cocoa dark chocolate rather than a sweetened gimmick. It's rare to encounter vanilla being so understated, detectable only once it's warmed up a bit. I was a little disappointed that the chilli wasn't more prominent: no spiciness on the tongue or afterburn in the belly, only a light sneezy dusting of paprika.

Still, it's not any way bland and has its own delicious character, totally separate from the add-ins. The bitter chocolate taste is enjoyable and the huge chewy texture even more so. That's plenty. This beer is plenty.

More... (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2024/05/a-glass-please.html)