View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Watney Mann

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11-03-2024, 12:40
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/03/watney-mann.html)

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The most hated of breweries amongst the CAMRA faithful. For the simple reason that they had moved aggressively into keg beer. Some of their breweries still produced a little cask, but they were deeply committed to keg.

In the 1890s, they leapfrogged into first place in London after taking part in the first big brewing merger. The result was Watney Combe Reid. A company that was producing over 1 million barrels a year.

They owned several breweries in different regions: Norwich, Webster (Halifax), Wilsons (Manchester), Usher (Cheltenham) and Drybrough (Edinburgh). Some producing cask, others not. Webster’s beers were OK in cask form, but nothing special. Wilsons beers, even though often in cask, I never cared for.Mortlake
One of the breweries owned by the company when it was still Watney Combe Reid, it was their main brewery in London after the closure of the Stag Brewery in Pimlico in 1959. It was first acquired by Watney in 1889.

At the start of the decade, it produced no cask beer and hadn’t for quite a while. Though, under pressure from CAMRA, they introduced Fined Bitter, a cask beer served from kegs, in the middle of the 1970s.

The former Manns brewery in the East End of London, it was bought by Watney in 1958 to replace their original Stag Brewery, which was demolished to make way for a commercial development.

Manns had been one of the major Ale breweries in the capital. Their biggest claim to fame was to have developed the first modern Brown Ale at the start of the 20th century. Oh, and their brewery tap, the Blind Beggar, was the scene of a notorious gangland murder in the 1960s. I drank in there a couple of times in the 1970s. Scary, is how I would describe it.

Of the three independent breweries located in the town during the 1950s, only one remained in 1970. And that was in the hands of Watney, who had bought all three breweries in 1963. Of Steward & Patteson, Bullard and Morgan, only the last continued to brew.

Having inherited the tied houses of all three breweries, Watney had a near monopoly in Norwich and parts of Norfolk. Villages which once had a pub from each of the three, found themselves with just one. Or maybe even none. As Watney ruthlessly closed rural pubs they didn’t consider viable.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMVOrxt5rNclZ2EjIVB6M8shP4Fzz7qcyaNgcwEyyIXK 7DyF-X_hcheJd6uEED_oix2bQSfB59t11a30YKBhVFluDNiNBUytmea 3qXuEBBIJisTRrt8lKtfFMPXu5-94HGEPsoILvI7OAoCndVJy3j6XxIxgNU7uyjbSy1aFT30fprX0 MVMEATS1eaXsY/s320/Webster_Green_Label_Ale_1964.JPG (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMVOrxt5rNclZ2EjIVB6M8shP4Fzz7qcyaNgcwEyyIXK 7DyF-X_hcheJd6uEED_oix2bQSfB59t11a30YKBhVFluDNiNBUytmea 3qXuEBBIJisTRrt8lKtfFMPXu5-94HGEPsoILvI7OAoCndVJy3j6XxIxgNU7uyjbSy1aFT30fprX0 MVMEATS1eaXsY/s456/Webster_Green_Label_Ale_1964.JPG)
Despite being owned by Watney, Webster still brewed a range of draught beers typical of West Yorkshire: a fairly light Bitter and a Pale and Dark Mild. The latter two suspiciously of the same gravity. My guess is that it was one beer sometimes coloured up with caramel.Wilsons
According to John Keeling, who worked in the lab at Wilsons during the 1970s, there was a big split between production methods of the Wilsons and Watneys brands. The former were brewed from malt and sugar and were fermented in open squares, cooled by a water jacket. While the latter contained 40% raw barley along with enzymes to convert it. They were then fermented in conicals.

Located in Trowbridge in the Southwest of England, Usher was one of the Watney plants which still produced a decent amount of cask beer. In 1977, around 300 of their 688 tied houses stocked cask. Though, typically of the period some of that was served on top pressure.

One of the many breweries which were located in Duddingston, a village on the outskirts of Edinburgh. The brewery started the decade with a mostly fairly dull range of keg-dispensed draught products, all parti-gyled together. Friends who lived in Scotland weren’t great fans of their beers.

It was one of the four Watney breweries which installed continuous fermentation system. And the last one to decommission it.

For a while, they brewed with 60% unmalted barley in the grist. But that was too much even for Watney and it was reduced to “just” 45%.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/03/watney-mann.html)