View Full Version : Pubmeister writes… - The Pub Named After Scotland’s Greatest Ever Footballer

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21-02-2024, 15:39
Visit The Pubmeister writes… site (https://pubmeister.wordpress.com/2024/02/21/the-pub-named-after-scotlands-greatest-ever-footballer/)

It was a long time coming but a pub named after Scottish football’s only World Cup winner (so far*) opened in Glasgow last year. Fittingly, the player concerned, now 69 years old, was there to cut the ribbon. What a playing record to look back on: 8 Serie A titles, 4 Italian Cups and 1… Continue reading The Pub Named After Scotland’s Greatest Ever*Footballer (https://pubmeister.wordpress.com/2024/02/21/the-pub-named-after-scotlands-greatest-ever-footballer/)

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