View Full Version : The Pub Curmudgeon - Up the organisation

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06-02-2024, 11:20
Visit The Pub Curmudgeon site (https://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2024/02/up-organisation.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi2d9iz3nVr4pFxlE1cD3uxZg5BY8QXCF7cKF3CgUo9Ab-2e5Wa0oa09RN9VgQabB7rEaIcL1jjt6TodC0Y8lpVHdPOUKrUn DVUGfg0DOWhjox9JzWymfprZaSCa8tH8oIpiiQODVuq4U1PDQl _5o0pH9xXZDGiHfXQN5WZiEo5aGMHz7L0dVLxrs0T3dU/s200/wetherspoons%20employees.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi2d9iz3nVr4pFxlE1cD3uxZg5BY8QXCF7cKF3CgUo9Ab-2e5Wa0oa09RN9VgQabB7rEaIcL1jjt6TodC0Y8lpVHdPOUKrUn DVUGfg0DOWhjox9JzWymfprZaSCa8tH8oIpiiQODVuq4U1PDQl _5o0pH9xXZDGiHfXQN5WZiEo5aGMHz7L0dVLxrs0T3dU/s800/wetherspoons%20employees.jpg)
Following Tim Martin receiving a knighthood in the New Year’s Honours List, J. D. Wetherspoon have achieved recognition as one of Britain’s Top Employers (https://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/Article/2024/01/18/JD-Wetherspoon-recognised-as-Top-Employer-United-Kingdom-2024).
To achieve Top Employer certification, participating organisations are assessed by the Top Employers Institute via an analysis of their people practices. The HR Best Practices survey covers six HR domains consisting of 20 topics across the business and employee lifecycle, including people strategy, work environment, talent acquisition, learning, wellbeing, and diversity & inclusion. The information is then validated and audited independently by the Top Employers Institute to ensure the integrity of the processes and data.
JDW people director Tom Ball said: We are extremely proud to be considered among the best employers in the United Kingdom, particularly as the recognition comes from an independent organisation, which researches numerous companies. The company employs more than 41,000 staff across its pubs in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, as well as at its head office. JDW is committed to offering employees the best opportunities to succeed and grow within the company, including studying for qualifications and apprenticeships. This is evident in the number of staff progressing to more senior positions at JDW.Some people with an axe to grind like to characterise Wetherspoon’s as a bad employer, but it fact it is clear that they take their responsibilities very seriously. It’s also obvious that, with a few exceptions, their employees give the impression of being enthusiastic and committed to their work.
While many employees just view it as a short-term opportunity to earn money while studying, as the article says there is also the possibility of advancement up the hierarchy if that is something that interests you, something that is not available if working for an independent pub or bar. This is also true of McDonald’s, another company that is often looked down on. Hospitality must have one f the highest ratios of senior staff who started at the bottom of any major industry.

More... (https://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2024/02/up-organisation.html)