View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Restaurants in the 1970s

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16-01-2024, 07:10
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/01/restaurants-in-1970s.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj5XqNQlBc0txUZIMt6vPAdAw099ebLDUZqY6xUZlWivx 9VqC9CELQaGbj6kmZjjp56JBWRaHxf-L2XdACB8KMKzEtmBBfayMS1hsiX5It78O-iocl3YIHR3eed4XTiGVi8fLM54-ZsNgaGMFgPSL3FuLX5FkWuG-TlBbZItW-CdUr5stAvg3GEpt52gFM/s320/Grahams_Skol_Pilsener_Lager_1967.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj5XqNQlBc0txUZIMt6vPAdAw099ebLDUZqY6xUZlWivx 9VqC9CELQaGbj6kmZjjp56JBWRaHxf-L2XdACB8KMKzEtmBBfayMS1hsiX5It78O-iocl3YIHR3eed4XTiGVi8fLM54-ZsNgaGMFgPSL3FuLX5FkWuG-TlBbZItW-CdUr5stAvg3GEpt52gFM/s553/Grahams_Skol_Pilsener_Lager_1967.jpg)
Do you remember visiting restaurants in the 1970s? I do. Just about.
The main advantages restaurants had over pubs were more liberal licensing hours. Meaning that you could spend the evening on the piss down the pub, then tip down a curry house for some food and more beer.

Though the choice of beer in restaurants ranged from nothing to bollocks. If you were really lucky, there might be bottle-conditioned Guinness. The other choices being fizzy Bitter or fizzy Lager.

In my case, at this period, restaurants would mean curry houses. Pakistani-owned, I think. The default was three chapatis. Rice was a special order.

45p for a curry with three chapatis it was at Chakwal, handily located right next to the Pack Horse. A Tetley pub with a pretty decent pint of Mild. If not quite in the A-class of the Cardigan Arms. (At the time, a pint of Mild next door was around 18p.) You had to order rice specially.

Chakwal wasn’t even BYO. Totally dry. Not that it worried me that much. I usually went during pub opening hours. And when I’d finished eating, there was the Pack Horse and Tetley’s Mild waiting next door.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/01/restaurants-in-1970s.html)