View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Ireland here I come

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11-01-2024, 16:30
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/01/ireland-here-i-come.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEin0oEm21QY4JX77mLV87eSzoe0Dfz_G78Awuf7F-lF3uL-1spvOEFmkbdqtuhoR8J7782WQMji6G1HBsdGUkiSmJKXGYO49z VyLO830fUTx8iezt2Z7i4u-q-Zb1BoxeTpFwHHNciGae5lwUFWOqAc946Dat7JdujpALQcYS8CL wF661ehE0PLvGWJ2x0/w400-h320/Cairnes_Drogheda_Ales.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEin0oEm21QY4JX77mLV87eSzoe0Dfz_G78Awuf7F-lF3uL-1spvOEFmkbdqtuhoR8J7782WQMji6G1HBsdGUkiSmJKXGYO49z VyLO830fUTx8iezt2Z7i4u-q-Zb1BoxeTpFwHHNciGae5lwUFWOqAc946Dat7JdujpALQcYS8CL wF661ehE0PLvGWJ2x0/s256/Cairnes_Drogheda_Ales.jpg)
The nice people at the Guinness archive are letting me drop by. And, while I'm over, I may as well do as much harvesting as I can.

Like the Perry stuff at the Laois County Library. Filling in a few, of the gaps, in my knowledge of Irish brewing. Filling more in would be great.

I've been asked about writing a book om Irish brewing. Maybe I will, if I can scrape together enough information.

I know they have some brewing records in the Cork archives. But I'm damned if I can find them in their online catalogue. If you can help a poor oldie person to find the relevant documents, do let me know.

Probably in April I'll be over. Any other archive suggestions are very welcome. Can I add that I'm a bit obsessed with Cairnes. No idea why. These things just take me.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2024/01/ireland-here-i-come.html)