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03-01-2024, 13:00
Visit the Tandleman's Beer Blog site (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2024/01/whats-going-on.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwJMhGYgptfke_DrcetM2SRI8nNkuJ9mrpT4iqM8_Kxq bkkKRO4qQkjY-uQ8u0IkbxR5lGuPjfKr65UVFMTQ60U26GTyyYGgfZpEplG7qpo pExLkNtEwJzZ2dWNM0__PLb4iwvzMZNqdgPPY0dW4eM5ZnG9p5 Ly281ual7zEBXtIwjN3wsDr0UG-2hO2ZR/w239-h239/Harold.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwJMhGYgptfke_DrcetM2SRI8nNkuJ9mrpT4iqM8_Kxq bkkKRO4qQkjY-uQ8u0IkbxR5lGuPjfKr65UVFMTQ60U26GTyyYGgfZpEplG7qpo pExLkNtEwJzZ2dWNM0__PLb4iwvzMZNqdgPPY0dW4eM5ZnG9p5 Ly281ual7zEBXtIwjN3wsDr0UG-2hO2ZR/s92/Harold.jpg)
At this time of year, one becomes introspective. Resolutions are made and lives, intentions and hopes are re-evaluated, usually in an optimistic and entirely unrealistic way. Such thoughts equate entirely with our human need to see the best of things - to look for hope, change and better outcomes - this, despite all the evidence that a new year and promises to oneself, rarely if ever change the probable and probably inevitable course of events. It is all pretty hopeless in that sense, but then again, we live in hope. It is the meaning of life to a very great extent.Thus, I won't be making impractical promises about this blog, though my own promise to myself is that I'll try to write more, but I'll likely fail. Instead, to make it easier on myself, I'm looking to write more about things that might interest me. And guess what? It is, funnily enough, going to be beer and pubs, so that's all right, isn't it? I know a bit about them.

Last year, having wasted many mornings of my life watching YouTube - though almost never about beer - I definitely need to pack that in. I have though watched from time to time, usually shouting at the telly in sheer disbelief, the inane Real Ale Craft Beer Channel, and I have also learned a lot of useless stuff - mostly about London Underground (fascinating) - the differences (many) between us and these goddam Yankees - and where to get the best cooked brekkie in London. (Widely thought to be Pellicci's - been there - but it would almost certainly be cheaper at the Ivy, though you won't get bubble there). And so on. So it is back to beer.
So what has been happening? Well things are still iffy in the industry to be frank, though maybe they could be worse. I note record turnover from my local brewery JW Lees (https://t.co/MWdATkaMTQ) and that's good. Lees continue to invest heavily in their business and it shows. They deserve to do well, by and large. I see also Fullers and Youngs are doing well, so that's good, though London, as always is a different animal to the rest of the UK. Sir Timbo deserves a mention, and I'm grateful for this piece (https://thecritic.co.uk/wetherspoons-is-the-heart-of-local-britain/)being pointed out by Cookie. It is rather well written and mentions the obvious fact - often overlooked - that he started off with one pub and now has over 800. If you believe in honours lists, it would seem to me that he deserves it, and as Mudgie always points out, it is a dependable company in an industry that isn't very dependable as a whole, and one where there is that oft talked about, but usually missing, social mix. Incidentally, making alcoholic drinks and pub visits affordable isn't "wrong" if you want to see pubs succeed. Again from Cookie is a similar piece (https://www.theguardian.com/business/nils-pratley-on-finance/2024/jan/02/dont-rise-to-the-brexit-bait-wetherspoons-boss-tim-martin-deserves-gong) from the Guardian.

I'll leave it there for now. The blog will certainly be back a little more often, and I'll be returning to short sharp posts like I used to. I've been reading a lot of my previous stuff, and you know, it isn't that bad. I recommend particularly my stuff on Sam Smiths, and I'll be resuming my trek round the ones here and those I visit in London. I'll also tackle the issue of what might be called "opening hours deficit". I note quite a few pubs here, have simply closed for parts of January, and while understandable, it isn't really a healthy sign.

So. Watch this space, and Happy New Year to you all.
"Let me say, for the benefit of those who have allowed themselves to be carried away by the gossip of the past few days, I know what is going on. I am going on." Harold Wilson 1969
Best beer of 2023? Acorn Gorlovka Stout.

More... (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2024/01/whats-going-on.html)