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25-12-2023, 13:50
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/12/drinkalongathon-2023-chardonnay-and.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjErD60kP3VlO03M1B42Y-wTYTMOIEwt8A_G1GWs9vwuNNPiHtQjlWUDh9JfelZZf2JI4i70 i6XgZPjH2GoZYO7jaPoA5r6pozzn3pYeKozEvZhbfS5ahf7DXI S3T6PlhYrslVvsVbtwcdrb2o92OlUu85Q0p79e-DqSGykHTSYiFsknRhvpyytfdJBpt0/w640-h480/cheese_pasty.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjErD60kP3VlO03M1B42Y-wTYTMOIEwt8A_G1GWs9vwuNNPiHtQjlWUDh9JfelZZf2JI4i70 i6XgZPjH2GoZYO7jaPoA5r6pozzn3pYeKozEvZhbfS5ahf7DXI S3T6PlhYrslVvsVbtwcdrb2o92OlUu85Q0p79e-DqSGykHTSYiFsknRhvpyytfdJBpt0/s4000/cheese_pasty.jpg)

Starter time. A bit late as Andrew, who went to bed at 1 AM, only just got up.
It's the same starter as every year. As we have our traditions here.
The duck is burning quite nicely. Wouldn't want it to be undercooked. Five hours is about right for a 2.3 kilo bird, isn't it? Mum always started cooking the turkey at 4 AM. A duck does need the same time in the oven as a 12 kilo turkey, doesn't it?

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/12/drinkalongathon-2023-chardonnay-and.html)