View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Christmas saved

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23-12-2023, 14:51
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/12/christmas-saved.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhcVC2s5Zuef1FY1w2EUlJYJfMfocgCi4WC9Xwhyphenh yphenQp44_gO4EJkxAxXbVId3KcI4rV212dAKSoDRfZtR8LSuD IcYXy9lvrmSUaN-E1uyLayFu0OzF0Mh6daV5gtNPyt7xMbobK7a5m5qdUnHd_Le0j kp8JDIFTvagrNEr9uZmkhP5Kckcpn8ekLbcoR3tY/w400-h338/St_Bernardus_Abt_Christmas_Ale_2015.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhcVC2s5Zuef1FY1w2EUlJYJfMfocgCi4WC9Xwhyphenh yphenQp44_gO4EJkxAxXbVId3KcI4rV212dAKSoDRfZtR8LSuD IcYXy9lvrmSUaN-E1uyLayFu0OzF0Mh6daV5gtNPyt7xMbobK7a5m5qdUnHd_Le0j kp8JDIFTvagrNEr9uZmkhP5Kckcpn8ekLbcoR3tY/s1058/St_Bernardus_Abt_Christmas_Ale_2015.jpg)
Yesterday, at Ton Overmars, they swore they had another crate of Abt at the back. But they were too busy to look for it. "Come back tomorrow."He wasn't lying. It was mobbed. With annoying Christmas drinkers. Spending 20 minutes staring at the hundreds of whiskies. Get out of my way you fuckers. I need to find the cheapest Islay. I can only dream of buying Lagavullin.

I went back today. Far less crowded. No Abt on the shelves.
"Sorry, I was wrong. I think I forgot to order."
Well, there's Christmas fucked. I didn't say. I sadly surveyed the depleted shelves and settled on Guinness Special Export. And one bottle of Westvleteren 12. A good substitute for Abt. And not too crazily-priced at 4.95 euros. But I can't afford Drinkalongathon quantities.
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Abt.

After sobbing a while at home, I remembered the Gall & Gall on Amsteveenseweg. They usually stock it. But how many bottles would they have? Enough for Drinkalongathon?
I braved the long trek there, over the river and beyond. Five bottles on the shelf. Could I stretch that little out over the whole of Christmas?
"Do you have any more bottles of Abt?"

"In the fridge."
Christmas saved.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/12/christmas-saved.html)