View Full Version : Gus Woltmann

26-11-2023, 15:32

If you're on the forum, please don't rate places a 10 when they clearly are nowhere near.




Gus Woltmann left this review about Birdcage

Housed in what appears to be a former Truman or Charrington establishment, this pub is unmistakably a Draft House, evident from its external green tiling. However, the interior fails to captivate, presenting a rather dull and scruffy atmosphere in an opened-out L shape. The limited charm of the space is complemented by three pumps, featuring Siren Undercurrent and Burning Sky Plateau (NBSS 2.5), along with an array of keg options.

Regrettably, the service did little to enhance the experience. The barmaid, seemingly uninformed about Untappd despite the pub having a listing, added a peculiar note to the visit. This lack of awareness seemed out of place in what is purportedly a craft beer bar. Overall, the pub left me with few positive impressions to recount.

On 26th November 2023 - rating: 10

sheffield hatter
27-11-2023, 14:41

If you're on the forum, please don't rate places a 10 when they clearly are nowhere near.

Hmm. I wonder if this guy is for real. His reviews read like a first stab by an AI bot. In this Birdcage review, we have "this pub is unmistakably a Draft House" which it hasn't been for some time, but no mention of BrewDog, which has run it for several years (takeover was reported in 2018 (https://www.goodbeerhunting.com/sightlines/2018/3/26/prmqnqxbh69vewpaz0vk19qy593gmb)). Then in his review of the Cat & Mutton (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/55785/) in Hackney, he has a half of Darkstar Hophead and comments "it did come with a somewhat hefty price tag of £2.20" - seriously? I wouldn't say that £2.20 for a half was expensive in Sheffield, never mind London. Tris reviewed this pub in 2016 and paid £4.60 for a pint then. And in the review of the Camel (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24941/) there are two virtually identical sentences about pies, even though he didn't eat any.

If this turns out to be written by a human being then I will apologise profusely and wish him well in discarding his cliche-ridden and derivative style in future reviews. Until such provenance is established, I suggest we keep an eye on this "reviewer".

27-11-2023, 17:17
Then in his review of the Cat & Mutton (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/55785/) in Hackney, he has a half of Darkstar Hophead and comments "it did come with a somewhat hefty price tag of £2.20"

In my review of the Cat & Mutton in March of 2016 I wrote, " my half a hophead was in good form but set me back £2.20".

sheffield hatter
27-11-2023, 19:18


I wonder if Dave could investigate? There must be an email address associated with this new "member", but I think only Dave can access it.


27-11-2023, 19:28
He currently our newest member shown on the forum main page. As an aside clicking on his profile (http://forums.pubsgalore.co.uk/member.php?29538-Gus1980) why does the join date come up as 01-01-1970? I've noticed this with other people quite a few times.

sheffield hatter
27-11-2023, 20:53
clicking on his profile (http://forums.pubsgalore.co.uk/member.php?29538-Gus1980) why does the join date come up as 01-01-1970?

I think that's just a default date that shows that he has not posted anything on the Forum yet. Members who have not posted here cannot be contacted via Forum Private Messages, so I guess the date 01/01/1970 is what prevents that.

27-11-2023, 21:16
I think that's just a default date that shows that he has not posted anything on the Forum yet. Members who have not posted here cannot be contacted via Forum Private Messages, so I guess the date 01/01/1970 is what prevents that.

Makes sense.

Dave M
27-11-2023, 22:46
Good work on figuring this one out, clearly an AI review bot that is practicing to see if they can make passable reviews on the site.

I'm guessing they are taking the most positive existing review, asking some AI thing to rewrite it and then post it with a rating of 10.

Also there are actually two Gus Woltmanns, here is the other one https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/userinfo.php?name=Gustavo

It is intriguing, not sure of the best way to deal with it at the moment. I am going to leave the accounts active to see if they post anything else, but I guess they will be one hit wonders just used for proof of concept. Feel free to hide the reviews at some point, maybe leave for a few days so that people reading this can see what was going on.

sheffield hatter
28-11-2023, 09:01
Thanks for investigating, Dave.

The earlier incarnation seems a little crude, just a rewording of previous reviews with little creativity. Though I like the way Quinno's "shouty blokes drinking lager" has transposed into "lively men sipping on lagers" at the Buckingham Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubreviews/39760). Gives the place a whole new vibe. :rolleyes:

Dave M
28-11-2023, 10:19
Thanks for investigating, Dave.

The earlier incarnation seems a little crude, just a rewording of previous reviews with little creativity. Though I like the way Quinno's "shouty blokes drinking lager" has transposed into "lively men sipping on lagers" at the Buckingham Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubreviews/39760). Gives the place a whole new vibe. :rolleyes:

Thank you for spotting what was going on. I must admit I do like what is possible with ChatGPT these days, asking it to rewrite Quinnos review in the style of an English Gentleman gives this

Situated most conveniently adjacent to the level crossing of Shoreham-by-Sea BR, this public house has established itself commendably as a straightforward, no-nonsense alehouse. One is greeted by an impressive selection of ales, no fewer than nine at any given time, and a fine cider. The assortment includes recognisable labels such as Harveys and Tim Taylor, whilst also showcasing a delightful array of offerings from smaller microbreweries. While there have been murmurs regarding consistency in quality, I must confess, in my experiences, every pint has been quite up to snuff. The pricing, you'll find, is quite fair.

The establishment boasts an L-shaped interior, exuding a certain charm of old grandeur, albeit slightly worn. The floors are carpeted, contributing to this sense of faded elegance, though one cannot ignore a certain unkempt quality. Nevertheless, it offers a more inviting atmosphere for enjoying one's pint than, say, the Duke of Wellington. The patrons, a robust and unpretentious lot, add to the character of the establishment. Outside of the splendid beer selection, one might mistake it for any other local tavern, replete with boisterous football fans and spirited conversations. The garden, a delightful haven for sun seekers, is well worth a visit, despite the minor inconvenience of the occasional barfly.

For aficionados of fine beer, this establishment is most certainly worth a visit during one's travels.

Or you could go Trump style with something like this

Let me tell you about this pub, right by the Shoreham-by-Sea BR level crossing. It's tremendous, really tremendous. They've got, what, over 9 ales? Always. Plus a cider. Some big names, Harveys, Tim Taylor – the best, really the best. And these smaller microbrews, they're doing great things, fantastic things. People talk about quality – fake news, folks. I've had their beers, all more than good, more than good.

The place, it's got style – an L-shape. Sure, it's a bit old, a bit scruffy, but it's got charm, more charm than the Duke of Wellington, believe me. The people there, they're real, not like these fake, elite places. Sure, there's football, loud guys, but it's authentic, it's real life.

And the garden, it's beautiful, a real sun trap. The barflies, they're there, but what can you do? Minor stuff.

If you love beer, you have to stop here. It's one of the best, really one of the best

sheffield hatter
28-11-2023, 10:48
Thanks Dave. But please don't let the Donald start writing reviews on this site. :pray:

28-11-2023, 11:56
If you search for him on Facebook you get two of him, both fond of bananas. (I've broken the links on purpose, you'll have to close the spaces)

https: //www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551048151752

https: //www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551785549567

29-11-2023, 18:54
He sounds like a character from the Marvel universe.

sheffield hatter
29-11-2023, 21:30
He sounds like a character from the Marvel universe.

...and just as hard to believe.

02-12-2023, 12:18
Thank you for spotting what was going on. I must admit I do like what is possible with ChatGPT these days, asking it to rewrite Quinnos review in the style of an English Gentleman gives this

Or you could go Trump style with something like this

I've got a backlog of around 100 reviews, I quite like the idea of getting Gusbot to do a few :D

02-12-2023, 12:20
why does the join date come up as 01-01-1970? I've noticed this with other people quite a few times.

Because developer reasons


02-12-2023, 16:23
...and just as hard to believe.

I once had a chat with a Bot (or whatever it was) at Barclays which claimed to be called Swastika.

Because developer reasons

I remember the so-called 'Millennium' and although there was no bug, on 1st January 2000, all the email dates on my mother's iMac read 24th February 1955, Steve Jobs' birthday.

03-12-2023, 05:11
I once had a chat with a Bot (or whatever it was) at Barclays which claimed to be called Swastika.

I remember the so-called 'Millennium' and although there was no bug, on 1st January 2000, all the email dates on my mother's iMac read 24th February 1955, Steve Jobs' birthday.

It was odd how it was called that. The Turn Of The Millennium maybe. But it made as much sense as calling New Year's Eve into 2020 as The Decade.

Fortunately I was still at college then, s didn't have to deal with any hard-coded software issues.

16-05-2024, 15:19
Replying Gann here as I can't on the original post


I have reported the remaining 3 reviews so they are expunged; however his user profile remains and only Snow White has the power to kill that off, and potentially block the IP address.