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14-11-2023, 11:49
Visit The Pub Curmudgeon site (https://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2023/11/driven-to-drink.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicTN6MMrx5E7HuvpnqY6_2sDMXbiakMLTRb2FlWQ5mF9 YljybKkrAyFwMnRqbeBYrUl9lnA1XXgy5C6jlzU7fDboQWQWsc s6q8S4gfo4G4ITsDAKg3VS2xshLBH3p-JpZPFu819S6Kq94z_2OYXB7NkLME9kWLe9b9Krk4m-NkXvfftRq_BXzl-SxHVTA/s200/self%20driving%20car.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicTN6MMrx5E7HuvpnqY6_2sDMXbiakMLTRb2FlWQ5mF9 YljybKkrAyFwMnRqbeBYrUl9lnA1XXgy5C6jlzU7fDboQWQWsc s6q8S4gfo4G4ITsDAKg3VS2xshLBH3p-JpZPFu819S6Kq94z_2OYXB7NkLME9kWLe9b9Krk4m-NkXvfftRq_BXzl-SxHVTA/s640/self%20driving%20car.jpg)
The general subject of self-driving cars is really beyond the remit of this blog, but one obvious benefit they might bring is to make it much easier for people to get to, and specifically get back from, the pub. This is a subject I discussed in my magazine column back in 2017 (https://curmudgeoncolumns.blogspot.com/2017/11/novemberdecember-2017.html). However, I concluded “no doubt the killjoys will be working hard on ways to prevent driverless cars being used in this way, saying ‘that’s not what they were intended for’”.
And indeed, from a recent report, it seems that this will be the case, as it is stated that Being drunk or asleep at the wheel of a driverless cars to be made illegal (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/11/09/being-drunk-asleep-wheel-driverless-cars-made-illegal/), and goes on to say that the user in charge must also be in the driver’s seat and stay off their mobile phone. It then says, with a distinct whiff of curled lip:
Plans to forbid drunk back-up driving come amid concerns that the technology could encourage overindulgence. Researchers at Curtin University in Australia have suggested that the public safety benefits from driverless cars could be outweighed by more binge drinking if it becomes easier to get around while inebriated. In 2020, 37 per cent of respondents in a survey said that their alcohol use would be likely to increase if they had access to driverless cars.However, surely one of the main potential benefits of driverless cars is that they will extend mobility to people who are unable to drive themselves either through old age or medical conditions. It is also impossible to have driverless taxis – often suggested as one of the main applications – if there always needs to be a competent driver on board. If it was indeed true that driverless cars would need a capable driver on board at all times it would severely limit their usefulness, to the extent where it’s hard to see what the point would be.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh7Mx9Z8cU_J0HjHAsLhNwnAtgXuRqgovR42OELmfHGUq BkJ7c6ozx8-TM-ter2E4HhMMX0mramMHWnxEc7nOOV2TRdBTX26gzDSxIcepn7ER 2W5bUGxNona5ISnOXABc4ZNR-0N1Xi6SOgQ4HasrE5SVLWNI4XuPusAuOnkRBaRH0aUw9Gq0wrt URDN-4/s600/levels%20of%20vehicle%20autonomy.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh7Mx9Z8cU_J0HjHAsLhNwnAtgXuRqgovR42OELmfHGUq BkJ7c6ozx8-TM-ter2E4HhMMX0mramMHWnxEc7nOOV2TRdBTX26gzDSxIcepn7ER 2W5bUGxNona5ISnOXABc4ZNR-0N1Xi6SOgQ4HasrE5SVLWNI4XuPusAuOnkRBaRH0aUw9Gq0wrt URDN-4/s1200/levels%20of%20vehicle%20autonomy.jpg)

I suspect this report arises from a misunderstanding of the concept of the technology. It has always been set out that progress towards automated cars will come in a number of levels, as shown in the graphic above. At Level 3, a driver may be called upon to take control in certain situations, but at Levels 4 and 5 they won’t. If an automated taxi can travel without a driver to its pick-up point, then surely it can carry a passenger who is incapable of driving, whether through age, infirmity or intoxication. And if a taxi can do it, why not your own driverless car?
It has always seemed to me, though, that this technology essentially represents a solution looking for a problem. And it’s pretty certain that the authorities will never allow it to be used to its full potential, as it would be so disruptive and undermine so many vested interests.

More... (https://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2023/11/driven-to-drink.html)