View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew - 1868 William Younger 80/-

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04-11-2023, 07:10
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/11/lets-brew-1868-william-younger-80.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqz9rP_rd9KxSflEOSZ-m-yw3DwFHA-M-bwuK2JgsuQQA4YP6C24xDhvJXZbBIgZDMwcrT-F7T4y4Ww_zJKFPNjS2KvdjZP5Etv_1qNouPIyh76JBM3tM-4TUww_G8stwUjRY2kzjp85I65XVazmg4LIOTspLZ3c7ZeTOyIv 0p6WJy-MIxdH-qXNdDT20/w325-h400/Wm_Younger_Holyrood_Ale.JPG (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqz9rP_rd9KxSflEOSZ-m-yw3DwFHA-M-bwuK2JgsuQQA4YP6C24xDhvJXZbBIgZDMwcrT-F7T4y4Ww_zJKFPNjS2KvdjZP5Etv_1qNouPIyh76JBM3tM-4TUww_G8stwUjRY2kzjp85I65XVazmg4LIOTspLZ3c7ZeTOyIv 0p6WJy-MIxdH-qXNdDT20/s356/Wm_Younger_Holyrood_Ale.JPG)
It's time for another type of recipe. One from Scotland. A lovely Shilling Ale.
Don’t get confused by the name. 80/- of the 1860’s was a totally different style of beer to what it is today.

The lower end of the Shilling Ales were effectively sorts of Mild Ale. That is, moderately-hopped beers that were sold young. In the case of Shilling Ales, that was usually in bottled form. That’s given away by the casks into which it was racked. This particular brew was packaged into 8 hogshead, 34 half hogshead and 10 quarter hogsheads. These were bottler’s rather than pub casks. Draught beer was mostly packaged in barrels and kilderkins.

There are a couple of odd features of this beer. A quarter of the hops were spent hops from another brew. I’ve greatly reduced the hopping to account for that. On the other hand, it’s very heavily dry-hopped. Which is unusual for a weaker Shilling Ale.

The original fermentation was pretty short. It was brewed on 5th September and racked on the 10th. I’m not convinced that the gravity was fully tracked in the fermentation record. My guess for the true FG would be more like 1025º.

There’s an interesting note at the bottom of the page saying that the 6th September was a particularly hot day with the temperature hitting 80º F. Which demonstrates the power of attemperators, as the fermentation profiles look the same as in cooler weather.

1868 William Younger 80/-

pale malt
15.75 lb

Goldings 90 min
2.00 oz
spent hops

Goldings dry hops
1.25 oz




Apparent attenuation



Mash at
154º F

Sparge at
185º F

Boil time
120 minutes

pitching temp
60º F

WLP028 Edinburgh Ale

The above is an excerpt from my award-winning book on Scottish brewing (http://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/scotland-vol-2/paperback/product-23090497.html):

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5IZlXWyRE1M/WLrdyRc1H-I/AAAAAAAAblU/qpaqmJBSEUcGECVG-nX7hL4ut5VrOU82QCLcB/s400/Scotland%2521_Vol2_front_words.jpg (http://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/scotland-vol-2/paperback/product-23090497.html)

Which is also available in Kindle form:


More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/11/lets-brew-1868-william-younger-80.html)