View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1916 Adnams Tally Ho

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01-11-2023, 08:50
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/11/lets-brew-wednesday-1916-adnams-tally-ho.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgSbm5UubCbxtE0_L6BjLPCYfUJ9GX3iFuoJowOOLjU46 o7Orh9AWZETFrsvihk6mW7UyGu_WuvpRd7qlRqOfJjMihkX_cL MXJTVmT7nf6jMHkPPtvmpV_B_DQMV32lfpn8pF0kq6XXba3X3a CTkCb83dLvX0y22u2hFjlUAvYLY-V8hUYaR07PeoYc5Vc/w325-h400/Adnams_Tally_Ho.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgSbm5UubCbxtE0_L6BjLPCYfUJ9GX3iFuoJowOOLjU46 o7Orh9AWZETFrsvihk6mW7UyGu_WuvpRd7qlRqOfJjMihkX_cL MXJTVmT7nf6jMHkPPtvmpV_B_DQMV32lfpn8pF0kq6XXba3X3a CTkCb83dLvX0y22u2hFjlUAvYLY-V8hUYaR07PeoYc5Vc/s941/Adnams_Tally_Ho.jpg)
Continuing the theme of Adnams recipes from across the years, here's one from WW I.
I’m really intrigued as to what Adnams were doing with Tally Ho. I have a feeling that they were vatting it. Or at least some of it.

Why do I think that? Because sometimes they brewed it twice in a row. With a strong beer such behaviour flags up the possibility that they needed multiple brews to fill a vat. Also the fact that they would blend a quarter or a half barrel of Tally Ho with XX Ale to produce XXXX Ale. It wouldn’t be a problem drawing a half barrel off from a vat. Otherwise, where would you be storing such a small quantity of beer?

The recipe hasn’t changed much since 1914. The grist is still a combination of pale, mils and crystal malt, plus flaked maize. There has been a change in the sugars, with No. 3 invert being dropped.

Another change is in the hops. They’re still a combination of American and Kent hops, but they’re older. While in 1914 all the hops were from the previous year, most of those in this brew were two years old. Oregon hops from 1914 and Kent ones from 1914 and 1915. The dry hops are listed as 1916 Kent, which must be a mistake, as this beer was brewed in March 1916.

There’s also been a reduction in the gravity, down from 1081º to 1074º.

1916 Adnams Tally Ho

pale malt
7.75 lb

mild malt
4.75 lb

crystal malt
0.75 lb

flaked maize
0.75 lb

No. 2 invert sugar
2.00 lb

caramel 5000 SRM
0.10 lb

Cluster 120 mins
1.75 oz

Fuggles 90 mins
1.75 oz

Fuggles 30 mins
1.75 oz

Fuggles dry hops
2.00 oz




Apparent attenuation



Mash at
153º F

Sparge at
170º F

Boil time
120 minutes

pitching temp
60º F

WLP025 Southwold

The above is an excerpt from this wonderful book (http://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/armistice/paperback/product-23859948.html).

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-A-cqnWEKK0g/W-77Xyh1-8I/AAAAAAAAfms/ssPn8WUMPMsu6OZITAryewfaNKpAyZ53wCLcBGAs/s400/Armistice_front_words_thumb.jpg (http://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/armistice/paperback/product-23859948.html)

There's also a Kindle version. (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08374G4L7)

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FAfh0W9CGWg/XgcqiJ1mpeI/AAAAAAAAheQ/AawWCrIN4jMphuBwFV6tzIGKVdTEawCHACLcBGAsYHQ/s400/Armistice_front_words_large.jpg (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08374G4L7)

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/11/lets-brew-wednesday-1916-adnams-tally-ho.html)