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13-10-2023, 09:11
Visit The Beer Nut site (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2023/10/marking-time.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhxg89K1GnICOznpaZ5YlMm21oDyqBsAfv4Ljy_zunVML NnTaN2apagxtyRJjEfb-P5rICl7JiXyTxeUZ61ZJsBjdYcfZahof3ViKc5Vuzrs2fzrCaZ cxH6NiCKvCXL6_X2609fiC9dfMgr9RjJpPC8p1mohGZNVHl08I vB9eJOxfZc9Ek7qDis9g/s320/guinness_palace_porter.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhxg89K1GnICOznpaZ5YlMm21oDyqBsAfv4Ljy_zunVML NnTaN2apagxtyRJjEfb-P5rICl7JiXyTxeUZ61ZJsBjdYcfZahof3ViKc5Vuzrs2fzrCaZ cxH6NiCKvCXL6_X2609fiC9dfMgr9RjJpPC8p1mohGZNVHl08I vB9eJOxfZc9Ek7qDis9g/s3170/guinness_palace_porter.jpg)Landmark Dublin pub The Palace, one of the few reasons to ever venture into Temple Bar, is celebrating 200 years in business. Like most such drinks-related anniversaries it requires an asterisk (https://twitter.com/beerfoodtravel/status/1709201697631834438) or two, but it's hard to begrudge one of the city's few genuinely charming old bars.

Presumably as a nod from its main supplier, it has marked the occasion with the arrival of a new Guinness beer: Palace Porter. It's not branded as coming from the Open Gate pilot kit, but one assumes it does. The ABV of 4.9% indicates it's not a straightforward rebadge of something else, as would normally be the case in such circumstances.

Diageo launched, and quickly withdrew, a new porter in 2014 (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2014/11/whatever-people-say-i-am-thats-what-im.html). Though over a percentage point stronger, this has a lot in common with it. Someone up at James's Gate seems to have decided that "porter" means carbonated rather than nitrogenated like Guinness Draught stout. So the first surprise was a pleasant one: proper bubbles, proper flavour, no deadening creamy gak.

It smells of Guinness stout, mind: that signature mix of dark toast and a tangy brisk acidity, familiar to aficionados of the Large Bottle. The body is beefed up a little, but it still finishes quite thinly, the busy carbonation scrubbing away everything beery before it. Complexity is not part of the deal, and a lack of any chocolate flavour feels like what's most conspicuously absent. I welcome a new non-nitro dark beer, but this is missing some key features.

Once again, then, a new dark Guinness beer doesn't move the needle very far from the flagship's specs. As such I would be surprised if this went any further than the walls of The Palace. Go there if you want to try a pint and have €6.60 in your pocket.

More... (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2023/10/marking-time.html)