View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - British beer culture

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02-10-2023, 09:14
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/10/british-beer-culture.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJyAxGcrG44Gs4-DHf0IGsFmbKh5ONGMYpEZWHdGK9XJIKrMrsZSziS-Z83j1CCcSzVOHCSL12HXlE5yMkdFIeL12qqZGW9PBsXV3xg7I1 mpqerKHQJgfYNoiLO9ioYYzGfkPf9ivksbwMKHYMDPWL30GRaI ZoC4xJ-5rubff62Qji-MCuU_f-EYmLGkE/w422-h640/Barclay_Perkins_Russian_Stout2.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJyAxGcrG44Gs4-DHf0IGsFmbKh5ONGMYpEZWHdGK9XJIKrMrsZSziS-Z83j1CCcSzVOHCSL12HXlE5yMkdFIeL12qqZGW9PBsXV3xg7I1 mpqerKHQJgfYNoiLO9ioYYzGfkPf9ivksbwMKHYMDPWL30GRaI ZoC4xJ-5rubff62Qji-MCuU_f-EYmLGkE/s1696/Barclay_Perkins_Russian_Stout2.jpg)
Looking back at the 1970s - as I've been doing since 1980 - there's one thing that strikes me. The diversity of beers being brewed.

If you look at most other countries, they brewed a way narrower range of beers. Pale Lager, Dark Lager, Strong Lager. That was about it. Even in Germany, the most renowned continental brewing nation, apart from specific regional specialities, the variety wasn't great.

OK, Belgium was home to an amazing variety of often pretty weird stuff. But look at its northern neighbour, Holland. What did you have there? Pils, Pils, more Pils, seasonal Bock, the odd Dortmunder, Oud Bruin and that's it.

In Czechoslovakia, they still had almost a full periodic table of Lager styles, most of which no-one had heard of. That was the exception, though.

Now let's look at strength. In most countries, everything was 4.5% - 7%. And almost everything was around 5%, depending on local laws. The UK had beers from 2% to 11% ABV. Yes, most beer was session strength, but there were still plenty examples of way stronger beers: Bass No. 1, Gold Label, Courage Russian Stout. Beers far stronger than you'd find in most of the world.

UK beer culture wasn't crap. It was one of the most diverse and vibrant in the world. We should remember that.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/10/british-beer-culture.html)