View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wedbesday - 1937 Barclay Perkins KK (bottl

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20-09-2023, 07:27
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/09/lets-brew-wedbesday-1937-barclay.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgz6V7Wa5mgtSoD7CJ_cJifoiS4ijBUh2ovVxT_0_XhiB b62Ex6r_SdcyIzjS3rllKsWvUQ4s1pjpnT9k1TqtBHU1TW_y0f ehOpbrwWnGkI_fWcCLdX2r-KKLA-zXZAN4GF3Yoyl_kj5idharfG_tf3YRQukbtxVdvwUBelZKJ0e3 bsuCojlmS_dOT9QTU/w400-h331/Barclays_Southwarke_Ale.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgz6V7Wa5mgtSoD7CJ_cJifoiS4ijBUh2ovVxT_0_XhiB b62Ex6r_SdcyIzjS3rllKsWvUQ4s1pjpnT9k1TqtBHU1TW_y0f ehOpbrwWnGkI_fWcCLdX2r-KKLA-zXZAN4GF3Yoyl_kj5idharfG_tf3YRQukbtxVdvwUBelZKJ0e3 bsuCojlmS_dOT9QTU/s747/Barclays_Southwarke_Ale.jpg)
I was going to extend the WW II tedium with another recipe from that period. But I thought: "They must be pig sick of this by now. Let's give my few remaining readers something different."

Like a recipe from the very late 1930s. Which just happens to be included in my scrupulously over-detailed book on beer during WW II, "Blitzkrieg!" (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson-and-russell-gibbon/blitzkrieg-vol-1/paperback/product-429wzw.html).

Plug done, recipe begins.

Marketed as No. 1 Southwarke Old Ale, this was a beer which was only sold in bottled format. I would say that that was to be expected, it being too strong for draught. However, Fullers Old Burton Extra was the same strength and that was only sold on draught. Mind you, that was made in tiny batches, mostly of fewer than 10 barrels.

It’s pretty typical of dark beers of the period (other than Porter and Stout) in containing very little in the way of coloured malt, just a little crystal. The bulk of the colour comes from the rather large quantity of caramel.

Slightly odd is the use of No. 2 invert. You’d expect No. 3 invert in this type of beer. There’s also a little malt extract, which is quite a rarity in Barclay Perkins beers. Only this and the strong version of IBS seem to have employed it.

The kettle hops were all English. Mid-Kent Fuggles from the 1936 harvest and two types of EK Goldings from 1935, one of which was described as “1st Grade”. Saaz from 1936 made up the dry hops. All of the hops had been cold stored.

1937 Barclay Perkins KK (bottling)

pale malt
10.00 lb

crystal malt 60 L
0.75 lb

flaked maize
1.25 lb

No. 2 invert sugar
2.00 lb

malt extract
0.25 lb

caramel 1000 SRM
0.125 lb

Fuggles 150 mins
2.00 oz

Goldings 60 mins
2.00 oz

Goldings 30 mins
2.00 oz

Saaz dry hops
1.00 oz




Apparent attenuation



Mash at
150º F

After underlet
153º F

Sparge at
164º F

Boil time
150 minutes

pitching temp
59º F

Wyeast 1099 Whitbread ale

This recipe is from my recently-released Blitzkrieg!, the definitive book on brewing during WW II.

Get your copy now! (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson-and-russell-gibbon/blitzkrieg-vol-1/paperback/product-429wzw.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjopTdT3xX9tos9lHwmx6IPhY7udGuZHaJitMEY--EKpJd5PVeE42WOTDITV5oCMdrlMRGdEFvszrNzymcrI-Ww7kWL_yoMnEbnbM1A0JAG9DTKkDBfarSsFSv2kQbNlKXcujpy UKlQmNtR_r-zqecmXnhapUReILUupKEzmz4XNsrQaPlEX7YRLPx0hpk/w283-h400/Blitzkrieg_PartOne.jpg (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson-and-russell-gibbon/blitzkrieg-vol-1/paperback/product-429wzw.html)
The second volume contains the recipes. But not just that. There are also overviews of some of the breweries covered, showing their beers at the start and the end of the conflict.
Buy one now and be the envy of your friends! (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/blitzkrieg-vol-2/paperback/product-qrkveq.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjYdGzNmZRD2hGF9_2MaReIffkmX6mXfxmrKP89aMVn9s Rl1vSn3nkIiTosI2siDPyPoeDNwQfdMueHQRB9A7OC06anlz0W 8vd8Kz1pugGmR2u1gAeVOceBXc-rKspmWuYfEN16h2rh033Y8yCq5oBeZiuj1-heJOc0qJqlmPAkKxGsoBm4rQzV223KZ8A/w283-h400/Blitzkrieg_PartTwo.jpg (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/blitzkrieg-vol-2/paperback/product-qrkveq.html)

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/09/lets-brew-wedbesday-1937-barclay.html)