View Full Version : The Beer Nut - Up to Scotland and turn left

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13-09-2023, 09:04
Visit The Beer Nut site (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2023/09/up-to-scotland-and-turn-left.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1LUUZFAVofkk51Wts64hYiwJJ9dt-jfZF4q1UPRWQUiG6vWeTGqQsVB3Jgc3OhbF5FZV9sF2e6IW-BVfkxHqrOIKoDJ8ChvMX7LwlDxujluZA6CxTUP07mmkpHJ3GVx S6jx56mTaf99X7NnftINPmq4s3nJZ2it4QsdAoPWnv-QX2O_Ycbdwv2A/s320/einstok_icelandic_wee_heavy.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1LUUZFAVofkk51Wts64hYiwJJ9dt-jfZF4q1UPRWQUiG6vWeTGqQsVB3Jgc3OhbF5FZV9sF2e6IW-BVfkxHqrOIKoDJ8ChvMX7LwlDxujluZA6CxTUP07mmkpHJ3GVx S6jx56mTaf99X7NnftINPmq4s3nJZ2it4QsdAoPWnv-QX2O_Ycbdwv2A/s3610/einstok_icelandic_wee_heavy.jpg)On my way home from the Netherlands last May, I picked up a bottle of an unfamiliar Einstök beer, the Icelandic Wee Heavy. I suppose it makes a certain amount of sense that a beer style with its roots in northern climes would find a foothold in Iceland, even if it's as a novelty. They've certainly piled in the novelty ingredients, including smoked barley and angelica root. Slap a tartan label on that and we're good to go.

It's a deep red-brown colour, and bottle-conditioned, so with a layer of dregs on the bottom. It smells very Belgian, a dubbel-like blend of warm fruitcake and spiced wine. There's a lot of fizz, and that gets in the way of the initial impression. Part of the problem is that the body is a little thin, despite 8% ABV. When the carbonation settles, flavours of banana and chocolate are first, before more subtle sparks of clove, cinnamon and an aniseed-like bite which I'm guessing is the angelica. There's no sign of the smoke, that I could find anyway. If it's advertised, I should taste it.

Regardless, knock the condition out of it and here's a fine autumn or winter sipper. I wouldn't say it's a better alternative to the Trappist beers along the same lines, but it's good to find something similar given a unique twist.

More... (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2023/09/up-to-scotland-and-turn-left.html)