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12-09-2023, 08:42
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/09/estate-pubs-in-1970s.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmWJ_g5z8ozOuHpHVtsxlzC4JW7VAGGeyZpp81Bsk7JN pc-GHy4jCuA2d987sqXwIRcMhipoQHMn1R1AzTjXqY1KjNIGPM-TNU9LvmtI2RlJVvRdgyHYekTsxIgAGisW98DjwFuggXFOTO_xl Lg4gwJCmWtMsyx4cAKcqDWfFY40vN6qWOtlzKpd5-YMA/w400-h300/Home_Magpie_Medium_Ale.JPG (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmWJ_g5z8ozOuHpHVtsxlzC4JW7VAGGeyZpp81Bsk7JN pc-GHy4jCuA2d987sqXwIRcMhipoQHMn1R1AzTjXqY1KjNIGPM-TNU9LvmtI2RlJVvRdgyHYekTsxIgAGisW98DjwFuggXFOTO_xl Lg4gwJCmWtMsyx4cAKcqDWfFY40vN6qWOtlzKpd5-YMA/s500/Home_Magpie_Medium_Ale.JPG)
Some more of my ramblings about the pubs of my youth. With two types of pubs spawned by slum clearances.
Estate pubs
The 1960s and the 1970s were the last period when any quantity of new, purpose-built pubs were constructed. In either inner-city areas which had been cleared, new suburbs or whole new towns.

Brewers were very keen on acquiring such sites. Large modern premises without any nearby competition were likely to be very profitable. So much so, that brewers were happy to trade in the licences of two or three small inner-city pubs in exchange.

In the valuation of Hole’s tied estate made before their takeover by Courage, the highest valued was the Lincoln Imp, a pub in a new estate in Lincoln. It was listed as being worth £91,500, when most of the pubs in Newark were valued at between £8,000 and £15,000.

As time went on, these profit machines sometimes turned into quite scary venues, depending on the nature of the housing estate around it. Pubs on rough estates tended to be, well, rough. As the saying went: never drink in a flat-roofed pub.

The Cardinal’s Hat in Newark was an example of a fairly rough estate pub. Though not as terrifying as such pubs could be in larger cities.

Clearance pubs
One of the oddities of slum clearances is that the pubs often remained after all the housing had been demolished. Such pubs looked very sad standing alone in a sea of devastation. Sometimes they remained when the district was rebuilt. For others it was just a question of a stay of execution.

When I first moved to Leeds there were a couple of such pubs in Sheepscar. Which were the first place I ever tasted handpulled Tetley’s Mild. And what a revelation that was. There was a reason why those pubs still had beer engines.

In the early 1970s, Tetley replaced handpulls with electric pumps. Basically. for hygiene reasons. Their only houses which retained beer engines were ones which they didn’t expect to be around for long.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/09/estate-pubs-in-1970s.html)