View Full Version : The Beer Nut - One-twelfth of a tree

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30-08-2023, 09:43
Visit The Beer Nut site (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2023/08/one-twelfth-of-tree.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjrcaEfbDurvsfSgpmFLnHBhL9X5s2UdXbKoMDFE99gYV 1RWLibWjHM3_xt5H8GJpp_BSL39ZSg7v7HeQcduiN2IA6JIewd NjGaS-4yZZD-gzQT49lljFhhL77EcMJ12a9lA_3CkjdMEMtwQ4wVM6Rw5yukWv XQJifXI7lT9XoFfLAyBW_HljUQjA/w159-h200/wicklow_wolf_sliced_can.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjrcaEfbDurvsfSgpmFLnHBhL9X5s2UdXbKoMDFE99gYV 1RWLibWjHM3_xt5H8GJpp_BSL39ZSg7v7HeQcduiN2IA6JIewd NjGaS-4yZZD-gzQT49lljFhhL77EcMJ12a9lA_3CkjdMEMtwQ4wVM6Rw5yukWv XQJifXI7lT9XoFfLAyBW_HljUQjA/s2840/wicklow_wolf_sliced_can.jpg)Beer made with a proportion of waste bread in the grist isn't new. Babylone IPA from Brussels Beer Project was the first to come my way, back in 2015 (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2015/11/brussels-brewing.html). Rascals did it, St Mel's (RIP) did it, and now Wicklow Wolf has done it, teaming up with macrobakery Brennans to create Sliced Can, a 3% ABV lager. As if solving food waste wasn't enough, for every dozen cans sold they'll also plant a tree.

The beer looks like a very normal mainstream lager, being perfectly clear and golden. There's a proper lemongrass aroma, and while it's light-bodied, it's not horribly watery as I feared it would be. Even more surprising is the rich malt element in the taste, bringing a Helles-like cake and candyfloss effect. The herb and citrus hopping complements it, though neither lingers long on the palate.

Without the novelty recipe, this would absolutely pass muster as a tasty session lager, and I'm very impressed at the character and complexity on show, given the tiddly ABV. All this and it does good, too. Maybe I'll contribute a few more cans to that tree yet.

More... (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2023/08/one-twelfth-of-tree.html)