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View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Want to talk about beer in the 1970s?

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27-07-2023, 17:41
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/07/want-to-talk-about-beer.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh8UXY25dRCFofIdPWYRS_Gw6xAX6M3J05AZMHsn1gCm-cv1Z48Nw9Eak-VefXt4Vi0n7ewIgwcc0wmCqH_QSTKdQYxSIMuBnD30QJxkp9v0 LAxjMvHX-vJn8mof7A177Y4AJxCUJkYFdmM65DwoQLAxPoz2JbAyksW9RcB h7Kw1BLg-gbIKWTusWu_pw8/w400-h269/Warwicks_India_Pale_Ale.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh8UXY25dRCFofIdPWYRS_Gw6xAX6M3J05AZMHsn1gCm-cv1Z48Nw9Eak-VefXt4Vi0n7ewIgwcc0wmCqH_QSTKdQYxSIMuBnD30QJxkp9v0 LAxjMvHX-vJn8mof7A177Y4AJxCUJkYFdmM65DwoQLAxPoz2JbAyksW9RcB h7Kw1BLg-gbIKWTusWu_pw8/s1072/Warwicks_India_Pale_Ale.jpg)
After being told many a captivating or informative tale by a brewer, I decided to make sure that this aspect of the brewing industry, the human one, wasn't lost.

I kicked off with the legendary Derek Prentice, knowledge of London brewing is unique. And he has a way better memory than me. I've about two hours of him talking about Truman recorded on Zoom.

My appeal is:

If you've worked in the trade in the 1970s - in a brewery, whatever function, or running or working in a pub. Or, if you were a drinker then and have something to say. If you don't mind being recorded via Zoom (you don't have to show your face if you don't want to). Get in touch via the "Get in touch" gadget in the left margin.

I'm trying to build some sort of oral history archive before people start getting too old.

As for my recording of me and Derek, does someone know a free way to convert speech to text?

Is there someone who would know how to edit my raw video to something useful?

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/07/want-to-talk-about-beer.html)