View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - It's official - the USA wants Mild

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13-07-2023, 14:21
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/07/its-official-usa-wants-mild.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh80Vw3lb05YqknGQD3uFje4UxK2Z36IEpWiE54_NG3Of DuPiddt5dkwPT4xVl24rWvKhFEw1xctd2klHIeCAajaHVjnRAd E6Rx0IrinnwMKnVK00IZf2J4Ci7xfWJ-aodPWybH1EUVLq9bGo6ZCj8pFhIUvmXowzh9Z3WWqXLYXDUiTn 7IqjB2bvNtLGg/w400-h299/Quinn_Nolan_XX_XXX_sign.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh80Vw3lb05YqknGQD3uFje4UxK2Z36IEpWiE54_NG3Of DuPiddt5dkwPT4xVl24rWvKhFEw1xctd2klHIeCAajaHVjnRAd E6Rx0IrinnwMKnVK00IZf2J4Ci7xfWJ-aodPWybH1EUVLq9bGo6ZCj8pFhIUvmXowzh9Z3WWqXLYXDUiTn 7IqjB2bvNtLGg/s829/Quinn_Nolan_XX_XXX_sign.jpg)
In a highly scientific survey on Twitter I asked this question:Which would you choose from these?
These were the results:





OK, I'm assuming most responders were American. And I didn't really mention that XXX was Mild. Other than that, a totally valid and representative survey.
Those four beers, incidentally, formed the typical range of a late 19th-century US Ale brewery.
There's a long tradition of Mild or "present use" Ale in the USA.Drinkers clearly like the idea of it. So why aren't Americans drinking gallons of Mild? I blame the marketing.
I'm sure that it would sell much better under another name. Preferably one including the letters IPA. Like Mild IPA. Or Young IPA. That sounds good. Bound to draw the youthful crowd.
Come on, US brewers. You've only yourselves to blame if Mild isn't flying out of your warehouses.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/07/its-official-usa-wants-mild.html)