View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Write things down, kids

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03-07-2023, 07:06
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/07/write-things-down-kids.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIjvHnFUmQfKUVHKjcpKS1W9sq5HzGlWsWICQCpivZP0 jql6ewShSQj3nfIAim0t0rh5BbzO0HUpTrSJzAwbFAS82kt4PU l5m6jM9-_EanVWyIIjDSP_ZZvuZmhkQc99aoombRhI-L-PfeoO4SYC5L3-vjtMWDK_9V_iRz9RihbKse782yFU6rwJMFVfI/w400-h295/Wartburg_Pils_2.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIjvHnFUmQfKUVHKjcpKS1W9sq5HzGlWsWICQCpivZP0 jql6ewShSQj3nfIAim0t0rh5BbzO0HUpTrSJzAwbFAS82kt4PU l5m6jM9-_EanVWyIIjDSP_ZZvuZmhkQc99aoombRhI-L-PfeoO4SYC5L3-vjtMWDK_9V_iRz9RihbKse782yFU6rwJMFVfI/s940/Wartburg_Pils_2.jpg)
I wish I had. Other than those few tasting notes of DDR beers*, I've fuck all from the 1980s.

Though, with those ratings sites, beer tasting notes probably won't be the problem in the future that they were in the past. The flavour descriptions I have of beer before 1900 would fit into a nutshell. A very small and vaguely described one.

Maybe the world of anti-social media, with it's over-documenting of everyone's toenail-clippings, has fixed this problem. The unrecording of the banal. The everyday crap that, because everyone knows it, is pointless recording.

(Thinking about it, a me of fifty years hence will probably be scouring the Twitter archives looking for references to "sludge", trying to work out exactly when the beer world went totally insane. And when it came to its senses.)

But you aren't going to get all the really tiny, tedious detail of the beer world in tweets. Just think of what you wouldn't bother remarking on. Because it's just so everyday and, well, fucking obvious. That's what you should be recording. Things too dull to even think of mentioning.**

That's the stuff future historians will love you for.

* Wish I'd saved more DDR labels. This is one of the few I collected myself.
** You may not get you any retweets. And lose followers. Just think of the public service you're doing.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/07/write-things-down-kids.html)