View Full Version : Adverts on main PuG page.

02-06-2023, 09:20
This morning I've suddenly starting getting adverts on the main front page of PuG which is a real pain:mad:.

Is this happening to anyone else?

I'm logged in and I've changed nothing else.

02-06-2023, 09:25
This morning I've suddenly starting getting adverts on the main front page of PuG which is a real pain:mad:.

Is this happening to anyone else?

I'm logged in and I've changed nothing else.

Not here at the moment.

02-06-2023, 10:17
Yes, I have them too, and I'm logged in.

02-06-2023, 13:41
Logged in-no ads here, but showing on phone which isn't logged in.

02-06-2023, 19:03
I had one instance yesterday, but I've yet to experience a repeat.

Dave M
02-06-2023, 22:45
Sorry about the ads, just experimenting with a new ad provider and things keep going wrong.

I think I have got it sorted so that if you are on a desktop and are logged in (or have logged in within past 30 days) you shouldn't see any ads.

On mobile it is still doing some odd things, shouldn't be showing if you are logged in but some seem to be slipping through.

I am aware that for non logged in there is an awful experience with ads cropping up in the wrong places, I don't have complete control over that at the moment but hopefully it will settle down in the next few days.

If anyone does still see ads on desktop when logged in let me know and I'll try to investigate further.

14-06-2023, 19:16
Sorry about the ads, just experimenting with a new ad provider and things keep going wrong.

I think I have got it sorted so that if you are on a desktop and are logged in (or have logged in within past 30 days) you shouldn't see any ads.

On mobile it is still doing some odd things, shouldn't be showing if you are logged in but some seem to be slipping through.

I am aware that for non logged in there is an awful experience with ads cropping up in the wrong places, I don't have complete control over that at the moment but hopefully it will settle down in the next few days.

If anyone does still see ads on desktop when logged in let me know and I'll try to investigate further.

The desktop page seems ok, but the mobile site still gives a Privacy warning and I'm still getting adverts: visit Malta two days ago, now it's composite fences.:(

14-06-2023, 19:47
The desktop page seems ok, but the mobile site still gives a Privacy warning and I'm still getting adverts: visit Malta two days ago, now it's composite fences.:(

Had the privacy thing on mobile today but via clicking a link to the site from email notifications while logged in, no adds.

22-06-2023, 16:42
I'm still getting privacy updates and adverts on the mobile site and today a privacy notice on the main.

22-06-2023, 18:44
I'm still getting privacy updates and adverts on the mobile site and today a privacy notice on the main.

Never had Ads, only the privacy stuff on the odd occasion, particularly if I'm clicking a link to the site via an email.

29-06-2023, 11:52
Never had Ads, only the privacy stuff on the odd occasion, particularly if I'm clicking a link to the site via an email.

Suddenly can't get past privacy banner, in Firefox/MacOs 13.4.1 the green 'continue' link is unclickable, the others lead me down a blind alley

17-11-2023, 17:02
I'm getting Privacy & Transparency warnings on every single page I visit. :(

17-11-2023, 17:16
I'm getting Privacy & Transparency warnings on every single page I visit. :(

Yes same here, not at all user friendly, has to be a bug of some sort.

17-11-2023, 17:41
Yes same here, not at all user friendly, has to be a bug of some sort.

...and has suddenly stopped. :confused:

sheffield hatter
17-11-2023, 17:42
I'm getting Privacy & Transparency warnings on every single page I visit. :(

It was happening to me for a few minutes, but seems to have stopped now.

sheffield hatter
18-11-2023, 21:13
Suddenly can't get past privacy banner, in Firefox/MacOs 13.4.1 the green 'continue' link is unclickable, the others lead me down a blind alley

I'm getting that now. Green link unclickable. Tried switching to a different browser (Fire Fox=>MS Edge) but same result. Even copied the url of the page I was on (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/newpubs/38180/) onto my phone (Google Chrome), but still getting the beastly Privacy & Transparency pop-up AND IT WON'T GO AWAY!!!!

Opened a new page but after 10 seconds or so got the same P&T message. Same result.



18-11-2023, 21:21
Just started happening to me too...

18-11-2023, 21:22
I'm getting that now. Green link unclickable. Tried switching to a different browser (Fire Fox=>MS Edge) but same result. Even copied the url of the page I was on (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/newpubs/38180/) onto my phone (Google Chrome), but still getting the beastly Privacy & Transparency pop-up AND IT WON'T GO AWAY!!!!

Opened a new page but after 10 seconds or so got the same P&T message. Same result.



Same here, the site is broken!

sheffield hatter
18-11-2023, 21:27
...still getting the beastly Privacy & Transparency pop-up AND IT WON'T GO AWAY!!!!

I've tried logging out, but as soon as [the new me] moved from the front page I got the same pop-up and it STILL WON'T GO AWAY.

I found a temporary work-around: I managed to open the new pub page in a new browser tab and clicked on the "approve" button before the pop-up popped up. So the pub is now live (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/91568/)*, but when I submitted the Facebook link the dreaded pop-up arrived to spoil my fun.

*Though in fact it's not open yet. I saw it from the window of a bus as I was on my way to football in Maltby this afternoon. I'll keep an eye on their FB and pop in when it opens.

18-11-2023, 21:28
Stuck on Chrome but clicking clear on Edge.

18-11-2023, 21:39
Site is unusable on Firefox - the P&T on every page and no longer clicks through and out.


sheffield hatter
18-11-2023, 21:39
Stuck on Chrome but clicking clear on Edge.

Not me! And to make things worse, I'm now logged in on Firefox and logged out on Edge. The two halves of my brain are beginning to split apart and I'm fading out of existence.

18-11-2023, 21:43
Who has a hotline to Dave here - Ian? If nobody can post a review or do maintenance, it's fully stuffed.

18-11-2023, 21:55
Unstuck again now?

sheffield hatter
18-11-2023, 22:36
Unstuck again now?


Thanks Dave!

18-11-2023, 23:03
All clear here.

19-11-2023, 13:15
Clear here

20-11-2023, 17:37
I had the same problem with Privacy & Transparency warnings, but they cleared. However, I am now getting lots of white space appearing on the front page. Also, an annoying little insert keeps popping up, telling me about Privacy & Cookie settings. Anybody else getting this?

20-11-2023, 22:17
I had the same problem with Privacy & Transparency warnings, but they cleared. However, I am now getting lots of white space appearing on the front page. Also, an annoying little insert keeps popping up, telling me about Privacy & Cookie settings. Anybody else getting this?

Yep - same here. I think it is where the bit about "Pubs Galore is..." (that comes up when you are not logged in) goes, just appearing as blank space when you are logged in.

sheffield hatter
21-11-2023, 19:55
Yep - same here. I think it is where the bit about "Pubs Galore is..." (that comes up when you are not logged in) goes, just appearing as blank space when you are logged in.

I had the same problem with Privacy & Transparency warnings, but they cleared. However, I am now getting lots of white space appearing on the front page. Also, an annoying little insert keeps popping up, telling me about Privacy & Cookie settings. Anybody else getting this?

Have you tried logging out and logging back in again?

21-11-2023, 21:17
Have you tried logging out and logging back in again?

I did, but it didn't make any difference. However, the bug seems to have been sorted at some stage today.

24-11-2023, 21:26
The front page seems to be ok now, but the maps on the pub pages seem to be blank, so you have to open the local map to see where the thing is.

(I can see from here poor Dave tearing his remaining hair out at unannounced changes!!)

24-11-2023, 21:58
The front page seems to be ok now, but the maps on the pub pages seem to be blank, so you have to open the local map to see where the thing is.
I was just about to report the OpenStreetMaps not showing on the pub pages, but you beat me to it!