View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Off to nowhere

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21-05-2023, 07:17
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/05/off-to-nowhere.html)

I rise at 11:00 and go to the kids' room. They're both still lying in bed, the lazy gits.

I watch a programme about Korean chef having a popup restaurant in Marrakech. The locals seem pretty keen on his food. Though, obviously, they’ve toned down the pork content considerably. They do love their pork here in Korea. It’s one of the country’s most endearing features.

The next episode in Naples is weirder. When they mention that they’re Korean, almost everyone they meet says “Oh. Kim Jung-Un!” Who is the only Korean they’ve heard of. The Koreans getting visibly increasingly pissed off the more he’s mentioned. Despite their best efforts to hide it. The locals this time don’t like that there’s no wine.

We hang around in the kids' room for a while. Mostly in the hope that they'll finally clean my room.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgziwRp1Fpp37-ROew80Ws-OUUgfAVz0C8A4BJLUBgi4UMFAe_a_zh6ZCiVqduLyu05K6B_cK o_SRQMTsiAmsyjbqP5tIgX-vM5Prz0FTtagWBaWPmEf9nxzBOaSUmBngw_fMyKlgoevNG831_ XtLqkozBILADvXdT1EuRn0EEXtfadWV4A6InxbksF/w640-h480/rubbish.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgziwRp1Fpp37-ROew80Ws-OUUgfAVz0C8A4BJLUBgi4UMFAe_a_zh6ZCiVqduLyu05K6B_cK o_SRQMTsiAmsyjbqP5tIgX-vM5Prz0FTtagWBaWPmEf9nxzBOaSUmBngw_fMyKlgoevNG831_ XtLqkozBILADvXdT1EuRn0EEXtfadWV4A6InxbksF/s4000/rubbish.jpg)
It's Children's Day and lots of stuff isn't open. Though, obviously, the convenience stores are, where me and Lexxie stock up with essentials. Whisky, beer, soju. Andrew is just lying in bed, as he still feels crap.

Late afternoon Lexxie and I start thinking about food. A look on the web finds a place very close by with the promising name of Meat. That's where we head. It looks really good. Like a butcher's at the front.

Too good. It's full. We're told that we need to write down our name and telephone number and they'll call us when a table is free. Lexxie isn't keen, as a call will cost him a lot of money. Instead, we look further. As it's raining, we don't want to be walking around too much

Happily, there are plenty of eating opportunities around the corner on the main road. Why didn’t we come this way the other day? Another Korean BBQ place, for example. We settle in there. Other than a father and son sitting on the opposite side of the room, we’re the only customers.

Lexxie does his phone magic with the Korean menu on the wall. Which reveals it’s mostly various cuts of pork. We order the most expensive, which looks like a chop, as it’s not that fatty. Unlike the belly pork we had the other day.
There’s an impressive array of accompanying bits: kimchi, garlic, onions, salad leaves, chili and some weird soggy leaf. All the stuff you need.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiVOHTNkP4kTSQLXkgNMhlOAOYhVE_ieEFwOw-L0dsyYSGZqGY_EvayjSgbdU2w08A5hE4SKEpc9jOLRdA0NH7Nt lj4g7SPmh6CEgTncuhasHPzA3Xqn3swbjSuQfhMBsLnZTjfQrO xBOW89xMtwAzrh8pyKvUaHqwiG4sirP6C6dIfpoC2zmE1GW74/w640-h480/BBQ_bits.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiVOHTNkP4kTSQLXkgNMhlOAOYhVE_ieEFwOw-L0dsyYSGZqGY_EvayjSgbdU2w08A5hE4SKEpc9jOLRdA0NH7Nt lj4g7SPmh6CEgTncuhasHPzA3Xqn3swbjSuQfhMBsLnZTjfQrO xBOW89xMtwAzrh8pyKvUaHqwiG4sirP6C6dIfpoC2zmE1GW74/s4000/BBQ_bits.jpg)
The pork is very nice. But doesn't fill us up.

“Do you fancy some beef, Lexxie?”

“I could eat some.”

“Don’t let me force you.”

“Yes, I want some beef, Dad. Is that clear enough?”

It’s good that we’re bonding like this on Children’s Day. I order a round of beef. Which is also pretty damn good.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6VUUgBFkGyeaE5wfkGiSheQEND4bEKoaAQgUWObi9RE NiZ0MMVWFxJacUe5awxc2pvzYtcsGarylb3dHsowPJ2kyjGFL7 IHhEOv_iAfupVtyq8bx2HkBJU-v1fRIO7KY_pRJK5dA8k_SjRXM1ZfSkP3OiOEemqREA9ACEwRw8 dspzS4UtbigUpf9y/w640-h480/meat_action.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6VUUgBFkGyeaE5wfkGiSheQEND4bEKoaAQgUWObi9RE NiZ0MMVWFxJacUe5awxc2pvzYtcsGarylb3dHsowPJ2kyjGFL7 IHhEOv_iAfupVtyq8bx2HkBJU-v1fRIO7KY_pRJK5dA8k_SjRXM1ZfSkP3OiOEemqREA9ACEwRw8 dspzS4UtbigUpf9y/s4000/meat_action.jpg)
They’re using real charcoal to barbecue. Which means they need to have an extractor right over it to stop the room filling up with smoke.

While Lexxie is drinking beer, I'm on soju again. Which I've got a bit of a taste for. Not that it has that much taste to speak of. Probably, the main reason I like it. That and all the alcohol.

Back at the hotel, Andrew is still in bed. He looks a little better. But not much.

“Can you try not to die, Andrew. It would be murder getting your body back to Holland.”

“Sorry to inconvenience you.”

“And I’d have to explain to your Mum.”

“That’s would be so bad for you, Dad.”

“I know. Your Mum would be so angry. With me.”

“What about me?”

“You’d be OK. You’d be dead.”

“Cheers, Dad.”

I think I’ve managed to cheer him up.

We eventually coax him into drinking some beer. Which definitely helps his mood.

I check my room. They still haven't made it up. Best to carry on partying here in the kids’ room. Which isn’t quite totally filled with rubbish yet.

We don’t leave it too late. Not this time. It’s not far past midnight when I decamp to my rubbish tip of a room. Clearing a path to my bed before collapsing into it.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/05/off-to-nowhere.html)