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26-03-2023, 20:58
Visit the Paul Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2023/03/grabbing-garibaldi-by-horns.html)

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On Saturday, I joined a select group of fellow beer enthusiasts on a visit to By The Horns Brewery. (https://bythehorns.co.uk/)The company was holding an open day, and seeing as one of their beers scooped an award at last year’s Spa Valley Railway Beer Festival, members of my local CAMRA branch went along to present the company with a certificate, in recognition of this. I decided to join them and as several key members were unable to attend, for a variety of reasons, it’s just as well I did.
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By The Horns Brewery are now based in the Surrey village of Salfords, a place not to be confused with the with the similarly named city in Greater Manchester. Salfords is situated three miles to the south of Redhilland is a location I have travelled through many times by rail, on my way to and from Gatwick Airport. We travelled across to Redhill by train, from Tonbridge, before changing platforms and switching onto a Gatwick-bound, Thameslink service. It was then a short 5-minute walk from Salfords station to the brewery, housed in a new industrial unit, on an industrial estate to the west of the rail lines.
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For three of us, this was not our first visit to By The Horns, as back in (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2017/05/london-brewery-visits-part-two-by-horns.html)May 2017 (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2017/05/london-brewery-visits-part-two-by-horns.html), West Kent CAMRA stopped off at their original brewery, located on an industrial park, in the Summerstown area of South-West London, between Earlsfieldand Tooting. We were there to present a certificate, again in recognition of a BTH beer, receiving a prize at the previous year’s SVR Beer Festival. By The Horns was founded in 2011 by Alex Bull and Chris Mills, and by the time of our 2017 visit had already expanded into adjoining units on either side of the original one. There was talk back then, that the brewery might still have to relocate to even larger premises, such was the demand for its beers, so at the beginning of 2021 the company commissioned a new production brewing facility at Salfords. As part of this expansion, they upgraded their brewhouse and most of the original brewing equipment. This new site allowed them to brew all their beers in the most consistent way possible. At the same time, the BTH brand underwent a refresh, which brought a contemporary feel to the brand.

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The new facility was easy to find, and there was already a reasonable crowd of people there when we arrived. A pizza van was parked outside, along wit a makeshift bar further inside, close to the main production facility. There were two cask ales on hand pump, a variety of craft offering on key-keg dispense, plus several fridge’s packed full of cans. The later including examples of BTH stronger, and more esoteric beers, including Imperial Stouts, porters, and strong IPA’s, so as I’d come equipped with a rucksack, I ended up taking a few tinnies home with me.
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There were two additional WK CAMRA members already present, when we arrived, so our little party numbered a respectable eight people in total. Amongst our group was a member who works in the sales department of a locally based, well-known hop factors, so with Will already familiar with several members of the BTH brewing team, we ended up with our own private tour of the facility. This was conducted by Alex Bull, who as mentioned above, was one of the company’s founders. I wasn’t taking notes, so you’ll be please to know that I won’t bore you with facts and figures, but BTH have a serious piece of brewing kit, that is all bright and shiny, stainless steel.
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At the far left of the brewhouse, are two large malt silos, which contain the pale malt, that is the basis of all the company’s beers. We climbed up onto the brewing platform for a closer look, not just at the malt silos, but at the mash-tun/lauter-tun,where the brewing sugars are extracted from the crushed malted barley, but also the adjacent brew-kettle, and hop whirlpool. Hop pellets are added to the former, before the standard 90-minute boil, and the spent hops are removed in the latter vessel, along with the precipitated protein, known as “trub.” After descending from the platform, we made our way around the forest of closed, conical fermenting vessels. Alex drew a few samples off for us, including the brewery’s iconic Lambeth Walk Porter, and Cosmic Warrior. After thanking our host, we returned to the table we’d grabbed earlier, and then went to recharge our glasses. I’d already enjoyed a pint of cask Hopadelic, so I moved on to the West End Pils, followed by Cosmic Warrior, again. The Pils was my favourite - crisp and clean tasting, this beer takes it inspiration from a Czech Pilsner, although one that is brewed from UK Extra Pale malt, and then flavoured with classic Czech Saaz and US Centennial hops. Definitely one to look out for.

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A few of us were getting hungry, by this time, and whilst the food truck was offering some rather tasty-looking woodfired pizzas, few of us wanted to eat a whole one. The sensible thing, of course would have been to share one, between two or even more people, but that was too sensible, and also needed some organising. Instead, we decided to leave the brewery, take a bus into Redhill, and grab a bite to eat at a local pub. Two members of the group had already decided on the GBG-listed Garibaldi,a Victorian pub, situated on a steep hill, to the south of the town centre.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEghvE1y7YDURe3N6_iW2g1kk2ian0GXVe439X5ra4NpVd bstYN3YMhaFUjdvF6MynI90_OXt7i8HMPcTx4iUXWyX-8oHOZO2PzcD3ypshp3-33GQCpXOHhL-eWO0Az1Qqu4Gs9DQidyRmw67nfnhrK2UdVSpeNPRRpAaNYBP-nmsYeOe9c4loniScHq/w400-h225/Garabaldi%20pumps.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEghvE1y7YDURe3N6_iW2g1kk2ian0GXVe439X5ra4NpVd bstYN3YMhaFUjdvF6MynI90_OXt7i8HMPcTx4iUXWyX-8oHOZO2PzcD3ypshp3-33GQCpXOHhL-eWO0Az1Qqu4Gs9DQidyRmw67nfnhrK2UdVSpeNPRRpAaNYBP-nmsYeOe9c4loniScHq/s4000/Garabaldi%20pumps.jpg)
With the majority of us possessing concessionary travel passes, the bus was a good idea, and after walking across to the main A23 road, we didn’t have to wait long for one to take us into town. The beer guide was correct about the steep climb, but the pub towards the top of Mill Street, was well worth the effort. Saved from demolition in 2017 by a community group, the Garibaldi (https://www.garibaldiredhill.co.uk/)is now run on a not-for-profit basis, with any money made put back into improving the pub facilities. It has a single room with a long central bar, and a small side-room with a dartboard. The large pub garden has views across Redhill and there are also tables and a smoking area to the front of the building.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEglvZ0jvd_PnW1MvznGZ5uoDG1VYbE-ezL8nWest_fcH2CG_F_zEd0VxxQIS9-lOhX-8BLyNnLSHlEmoNidhzo7NLXtH-caXS8xBU2AG0XTk5vOIYGw0MFBTbL8P7GA0QlVIxQzKCGlFfB3 HAObkrpR01oa5RC12Fl9yOaER-ftYCyPdhxUY8Wp20Q1/w400-h225/Garabaldi%20Food%20truck.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEglvZ0jvd_PnW1MvznGZ5uoDG1VYbE-ezL8nWest_fcH2CG_F_zEd0VxxQIS9-lOhX-8BLyNnLSHlEmoNidhzo7NLXtH-caXS8xBU2AG0XTk5vOIYGw0MFBTbL8P7GA0QlVIxQzKCGlFfB3 HAObkrpR01oa5RC12Fl9yOaER-ftYCyPdhxUY8Wp20Q1/s4000/Garabaldi%20Food%20truck.jpg)
There was a good selection of cask ales, including two from Pig & Porter, who are based in Tunbridge Wells! There were also offerings from Gadd’s, Gun Brewery and Firebird.I chose Forever Lost, a 5.3% English IPA, from Pig & Porter. It was an interesting beer, although with hindsight, the 4.1% Slave to the Money from the same brewery, might have been a better bet. Whilst ordering my pint, I inquired about food, only to be told the pub didn’t do any, but sensing my disappointment, the landlady straight away said that if I ventured into the garden, at the ear of the pub, I would find a pop-up food bar, serving burgers and chips – just the thing for a hungry Paul.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhWK1Nohp2ir7iaNqvljiAohv6NWkZwqVH1wPcvNjxzeo YOEm0uUKlrlIQIoJzXtepd_Ju_sDOZndU4RpzU3cknGaI-SM0qpKwJ7qBlL6k7x2WZGyimViWvhC23JeSFyKHw6Qd0EbXAZ3 rz_52riDYwpWiRlsERepPsiAvK18tcSUb8N0K2fGfUKe0h/w400-h225/IMG_20230325_170308.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhWK1Nohp2ir7iaNqvljiAohv6NWkZwqVH1wPcvNjxzeo YOEm0uUKlrlIQIoJzXtepd_Ju_sDOZndU4RpzU3cknGaI-SM0qpKwJ7qBlL6k7x2WZGyimViWvhC23JeSFyKHw6Qd0EbXAZ3 rz_52riDYwpWiRlsERepPsiAvK18tcSUb8N0K2fGfUKe0h/s4000/IMG_20230325_170308.jpg)
Sure enough, tucked away behind the pub was a lock-up converted shipping container, where myself and another friend were able to grab a rather nice cheeseburger with some equally nice fries. We sat and ate our food under the shelter of the porch at the front of the pub, as the landlady had warned us that the garden itself was closed, due to slippery conditions – it was rather steep.
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Looking at my watch, I saw there was train back to Tonbridge at 6pm. It’s only an hourlyservice from Redhill, so three of us decided to make a move and walk along the station. The other two members of our group, said they would catch us up, although on reaching the station, and boarding our train, we received a What’s App message they were in the Garland, a particularly nice Harvey’s pub, just a short distance from the town centre. Back at Tonbridge, two of us rather foolishly decided to call in at the Nelson where, amongst other goodies, we found Larkin’s Porter on tap. That’s a story for another time, though!

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