View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Guinness mystery

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19-02-2023, 07:19
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/02/guinness-mystery.html)

When I was nosing around the website of Dirk van den Broek* for my recent trengy post, I noticed something rather odd about Guinness.
And it wasn't just annoyance at seeing Guinness Special Export on their website, when my local one doesn't stock it. Which is really irritating when they do sell the stupid "draught" version. Which is sort of what I'm coming around to.

This is how canned "Draught" Guinness is listed at Dirk's. See if you can spot anything odd:

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjijstcEbQuqWMICfvd2uFGq8f5KHO-5txacnXWDlh_LCPUzJhhc-aT3-JsoUf1qU6W_YNzaVGzOAh0vzP-9MNk2D0CGaWd-h0e1fJKLk5KE8IhLCaUSrc3pRE4EQ0UWnaP_B25V6eXkjdRGp3 10dsfu4bGRJ4C28Oeker_7hiY8fQ9VpJTBOHZyowD/w241-h400/Guinness_Pilsener_stout.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjijstcEbQuqWMICfvd2uFGq8f5KHO-5txacnXWDlh_LCPUzJhhc-aT3-JsoUf1qU6W_YNzaVGzOAh0vzP-9MNk2D0CGaWd-h0e1fJKLk5KE8IhLCaUSrc3pRE4EQ0UWnaP_B25V6eXkjdRGp3 10dsfu4bGRJ4C28Oeker_7hiY8fQ9VpJTBOHZyowD/s352/Guinness_Pilsener_stout.jpg)
You probably couldn't spot it. I know I didn't the first few times I looked at it. "Guinness Pilsener stout draught". What? Guinness is a Pilsener?
When I stopped laughing, I started to wonder: how could this have happened? What was the person thinking who wrote this?
All I can come up with is: they think Pilsener is synonymous with beer; or that all draught beer is Pilsener.
Do you have a better theory? Let me know.

* A Dutch supermarket chain. Most similar UK equivalent is Morrisons.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/02/guinness-mystery.html)