View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1914 Thomas Usher 80/- MA

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15-02-2023, 07:05
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/02/lets-brew-wednesday-1914-thomas-usher.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPP0-CInlQgxKAwXPi81l0SKBYckQBrI_azf_0ynHU7R8TCeM68k8Om gSQzWPnAp9pVdgMopziN7G3Zgs1w0vpDP3a6TlClcqh-g7e-mEUOerQEMuvRYbpnacbYv7v0cH_Hc2xFW_7nhZR1mbKGoyZR7C SwOPznJwgaB3yCXviKaWz_FGAUbxh33Uy/s320/Thomas_Usher_Brown_Ale_1968.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPP0-CInlQgxKAwXPi81l0SKBYckQBrI_azf_0ynHU7R8TCeM68k8Om gSQzWPnAp9pVdgMopziN7G3Zgs1w0vpDP3a6TlClcqh-g7e-mEUOerQEMuvRYbpnacbYv7v0cH_Hc2xFW_7nhZR1mbKGoyZR7C SwOPznJwgaB3yCXviKaWz_FGAUbxh33Uy/s431/Thomas_Usher_Brown_Ale_1968.jpg)
I'm guessing that you may assume that this is like a modern 80/-. It isn't. It's a totally different type of beer. It's an 80 Shilling, but a Mild Ale 80/-. While the modern beer of that name is a Pale Ale. 80/- is merely an indication of a beer's price and strength. Not what style it is.
At the outbreak of WW I Thomas Usher still brewed a decent range of Mild Ales. 44/-, 50/-, 60/-, 80/- and 100/-, varying in gravity from 1032º to 1065º. The war would put paid to that. In the 1920’s User brewed just a single Mild.

In London, there were no Mild Ales as weak as this before WW II. But out in the English provinces, there were Milds of 1040º, or even less. In 1914, for example, Adnams had an X Ale at 1033º and XX Ale at 1042º. London X Ales were a minimum of 1050º.

The recipe doesn’t look that dissimilar to an English Mild of the same period. Pale and crystal malt, flaked maize and sugar. The original doesn’t include No. 3 invert, but a dark proprietary sugar called DL. At least I think it’s dark, based on the type of beers it’s used in and the fact that the first letter of its name is a “D”.

The hopping, unsurprisingly, is fairly modest. I’ve guessed English hops. It could just as easily have a mixture of North American, English and even continental hops. Use any combination of those, if you’re so inclined.

1914 Thomas Usher 80/- MA

pale malt
7.00 lb

crystal malt
0.50 lb

flaked maize
0.50 lb

No. 3 invert sugar
0.75 lb

cane sugar
0.75 lb

Fuggles 120 min
0.75 oz

Fuggles 60 min
0.50 oz

Fuggles 30 min
0.50 oz




Apparent attenuation



Mash at
150º F

Sparge at
170º F

Boil time
120 minutes

pitching temp
60º F

WLP028 Edinburgh Ale

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/02/lets-brew-wednesday-1914-thomas-usher.html)