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07-02-2023, 19:32
Visit the Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://boakandbailey.com/2023/02/pub-statistics-for-january-2023/)

We’ve rebooted our approach to logging pub visits for 2023 so we can over-analyse our behaviour with even greater accuracy.
Jess in particular has always been keen on logging things – cash spent, books read, miles walked and run, miles of yarn in the knitting stash, the contents of the larder…
So, when we first moved to Bristol, she started logging our pub visits on a spreadsheet, mostly so we could keep track of our #EveryPubInBristol (https://boakandbailey.com/tag/everypubinbristol/) project.
But it also meant we could produce reasonably detailed stats on our pub-going habits.
For example, see this piece of ancient history from 2019 (https://boakandbailey.com/2019/07/two-years-two-hundred-pubs/), when we were two years into the exercise:

We have logged 516 pub visits in total.
Almost 30% of these were to our local, The Drapers Arms.
We have visited 216 different pubs.
Reading it through made us think about how much has changed since then, both in terms of pubs (“The likelihood of finding mild is almost zero.”) and our habits.
We’ve moved across town, for starters, so The Drapers is now almost an hour away as opposed to a 3-minute walk.
Our data gathering also went screwy during COVID.
There would be months of nothing, and then further months in which we prioritised places with outdoor space.
And we’d got out of the habit of logging pub visits so couldn’t always be sure our data was accurate.
In our sheer glee at being back at a particular pub for the first time in perhaps a year, did we always think to tippy-tap it into our spreadsheet? Maybe not.
With that in mind, we started a fresh spreadsheet in January 2023, and we’ve now got a month’s worth of data to look at.
Here’s an initial snapshot.

In January we made 18 pub visits in Bristol, with a further 9 on a long weekend in London.
The Bristol visits cover 15 different pubs.
Our only repeat visits were to The Swan With Two Necks (×3) and the Barley Mow (×2).
We only ticked two new pubs in January 2023, The Bulldog (https://boakandbailey.com/2023/01/the-bulldog-full-of-clowns/) and The Green House (https://twitter.com/BoakandBailey/status/1617166883249356801), although that’s better than some months in 2022.

What might be behind these numbers?
We were quarantining before Christmas and therefore keen to visit pubs all over the city once we were free.
And, though we don’t have a local, because our neighbourhood is publess, both of our most visited pubs are about 20 minutes walk away.
So, local-ish.
It’ll be interesting to see which does end up as our most visited pub by the end of the year and thus our non-local.
As for new pubs, there’s an obvious problem there: most of the pubs we haven’t yet visited are on their own in far-flung suburbs.
That means we have to make a special effort to visit them, walking for hours or battling with Bristol’s awful public transport. (And some of those pubs don’t look terribly exciting, either.)
The spreadsheet only includes pub visits, by the way, so trips to Lost and Grounded and other tap rooms aren’t logged. Not yet, anyway.
Maybe it’s time we accepted that we sort of do like taprooms after all, especially when they’re the very nearest places to get a pint.
Our pub statistics for January 2023 (https://boakandbailey.com/2023/02/pub-statistics-for-january-2023/) originally posted at Boak & Bailey's Beer Blog (https://boakandbailey.com)

More... (https://boakandbailey.com/2023/02/pub-statistics-for-january-2023/)