View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Where to in 2023?

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24-01-2023, 11:21
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/01/where-to-in-2023.html)

For the first time in almost ten years, I enter a new year with no trips to the USA scheduled. That needs fixing.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEidd6jnS2NQY9dRrD8rCE-IoGK1vkpdiTTecHaGixMLQPb-tm_g9lK_GgncfDoM3hOixO21G1Oe2QuKcjAU07R4hQN7pTEymE vKOH-I9hgUj4sREQeFzSzim8qePjLNN1RH0cF97iyfjjEdlaQBNETvL bCVDTF1KmFKfHaO6L9pxta4U9iuY6OqclME/w640-h480/20220730_194412.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEidd6jnS2NQY9dRrD8rCE-IoGK1vkpdiTTecHaGixMLQPb-tm_g9lK_GgncfDoM3hOixO21G1Oe2QuKcjAU07R4hQN7pTEymE vKOH-I9hgUj4sREQeFzSzim8qePjLNN1RH0cF97iyfjjEdlaQBNETvL bCVDTF1KmFKfHaO6L9pxta4U9iuY6OqclME/s8000/20220730_194412.jpg)

In my vague plan to get around all the states, I like to cross off at least one new one every year. Top of the list of states I'd like to visit is Alaska, Which has the advantage of being somewhere I'd dare visit in the summer. Other states I'd quite like to visit are Tennessee, New Hampshire and Maine. The last two would complete the East Coast for me. Arizona and New Mexico. Wouldn't mind getting to those, too.
If you'd like to make a collaborative brew or have me come and give a talk, get in touch. My rates are very reasonable.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/01/where-to-in-2023.html)