View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - How to interpret brewing records - part eight: Scotti

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24-01-2023, 07:10
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/01/how-to-interpret-brewing-records-part_02116994189.html)

Today we're looking at the meat of the process, mashing.

Scottish mashing schemes were way simpler than those in London. With just a single infusion and a sparge. Or maybe two sparges.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgmofewuc6FVzbPnIh4YaIcLYwg9xiJ5leAZoPkO8ZYUV pM1fNjejyBBwjI4HghjZZeJQUcLbt9lS5wuzK61lyY-GNBF1dft77DCm9FHN6TXvEH2nRBRy-1ut5U6UpzD0g2cNcJWFZq4m5ZwsodxjTsTcVkNBqXXINWnFbeA 6dmbcpFES1Pj69nGA6V/w538-h640/Wm_Younger_1894_page_1_mashing.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgmofewuc6FVzbPnIh4YaIcLYwg9xiJ5leAZoPkO8ZYUV pM1fNjejyBBwjI4HghjZZeJQUcLbt9lS5wuzK61lyY-GNBF1dft77DCm9FHN6TXvEH2nRBRy-1ut5U6UpzD0g2cNcJWFZq4m5ZwsodxjTsTcVkNBqXXINWnFbeA 6dmbcpFES1Pj69nGA6V/s491/Wm_Younger_1894_page_1_mashing.jpg)

Let's go through column by column.

Mashing Heat
"63" Strike heat: 163º F
"52" Initial heat: 152º F
".4" don't know what this is.

Hours stood
"2" Time mash left to rest: 2 hours
"19" Not sure what this is. Could be a vessel number.

Inches in Tun
An inch measurement is the distance from the brim of a vessel to the surface of the liquid in it. I think these are tap temperatures for the mash. So 157.6º F, 146º F, 144º F and 135º F.

Sparge heats
Pretty self explanatory: 163º F and 160º F.

Falling heats
Tap temperatures for the sparge: 149.1º F, 153º F, 155º F and 157º F.

"94" Gravity of the first wort: 1094º.
"2" Gravity of the last wort: 1002º. We'll be looking at what happened in the copper next.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/01/how-to-interpret-brewing-records-part_02116994189.html)