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View Full Version : Manic day

17-09-2009, 12:18
Off on holiday tomorrow (only for the weekend), but rushing round today fulfilling various projects. Which is annoying as I would like to spend some time on some PG work trying to sort out the administration of Twitter feeds.

Anyway if I get 5 minutes later I must remember to mention how we had an offer to buy out the site from the owner of BITE a couple of months ago.

Something I saw today just reminded me of that story.

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 12:53
Anyway if I get 5 minutes later I must remember to mention how we had an offer to buy out the site from the owner of BITE a couple of months ago.

Something I saw today just reminded me of that story.

Really? That is interesting, i dont know what may have prompted you though!

Have a good weekend and enjoy any pubs you venture into to have a tea!

17-09-2009, 14:00
You are Hondo and I claim my £5.

As you will have gathered we do monitor things (well Dave does and I get the highlights package), I have no idea who Hondo is though, so please do feel free to join us Hondo if you are reading this.

Yeah, not off until tomorrow afternoon and I am surgically attached to the Internet, so I should get in a few more posts yet. I will try and do some reviews of any pubs we visit whilst away though, and make sure to include all the flavours of tea they serve :).


A couple of months back we had a preliminary enquiry from BITEs owner to sell the site. He didn't announce his interests and the enquiry was cursory in the extreme. Intrigued we said we were 'always willing to listen to any offers including scope' as I have no idea why they want this site.

As an aside it has been published that BITE was purchased for £30k, and whilst it pains me to admit it BITE is worth more than PG. However it would take a far larger offer than that to part me from PG and I suspect that BITE ain't going to make the offer I want (which is good because I would hate to see PG treated the same way as I feel BITE is).

So we were wondering why they would want PG and hoping that it would become apparent without any real fear that a tempting offer would appear. Basically I felt that if he was in it for the technology which we have (maps etc.) then he would know how much he wanted to pay. A long dialogue ensued that degenerated into name calling after I suggested that the whole enquiry was a fishing expedition because he wouldn't make us an offer without the traffic stats on the site.

I personally think he was planning to monetise the site in the same way as BITE hence why the traffic stats are so important to him, but for me the real value in the site is where it is hopefully going. Which given he didn't state he wanted the technology or any coders I feel was not what he wanted.

Was interesting stuff, but very childish really.

17-09-2009, 14:51
My guess would be BITE to either run PG down [do away with competition], or as lots of buy outs, just buying customers / punters

If they wanted map stuff surely they could just pay a coder to do that for less than PG would sell for

Just in case they make an offer you can't refuse, can you add a "delete all my pictures" button please? :D

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 14:58
Dave - check it out now, its kicked off a bit

Dave M
17-09-2009, 15:09
Thanks, I'll check it out in a minute. We seem to have just had burst activity on PG, so I'm busy changing some pub names, adding new pubs and photos and in one case creating a new town!

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 15:11
Thanks, I'll check it out in a minute. We seem to have just had burst activity on PG, so I'm busy changing some pub names, adding new pubs and photos and in one case creating a new town!

Remember, it took the Lord 6 days to create well, creation - and you can make a town in a minute - you PG lot never cease to amaze me

17-09-2009, 15:12

I suppose you are right. Seems so alien to me though, surely if you have a good product it is best to just do it well and win out that way? Real World intruding in my little bubble again I guess.

Map tech, you're not wrong, a good coder could duplicate the work easily, but if he thinks he can get this site for under 30k, that may be the economic approach.

Your comment about the delete all pictures is a good one sadly :o. I would be lying if I pretended we would never sell the site, if you could get enough money to make life a lot easier, why not. But we do genuinely feel a real sentimental attachment to this site and all the work people do on it. It would feel really wrong to sell the users down river without any protection to an overnight switchover.

For the moment thank God that really isn't an issue, the site ain't worth enough to make us sell it.

On reflection, have I just suggested to everyone that they shouldn't improve our site:confused:

Please ignore me, I am a buffoon;)

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 15:16
Please ignore me, I am a buffoon;)

Boy, am i going to remind you of that in years to come!:D

17-09-2009, 15:29
Remember, it took the Lord 6 days to create well, creation - and you can make a town in a minute - you PG lot never cease to amaze me

The time to be amazed is when we let you create a town. I need to drink less tea and do more work.

Boy, am i going to remind you of that in years to come!:D

What can I say, I really hope so as it means we are getting it right:)

Dave M
17-09-2009, 15:36
Remember, it took the Lord 6 days to create well, creation - and you can make a town in a minute - you PG lot never cease to amaze me
Years of playing Sim City mean I have my town creation skills finely honed. I now just have to resist unleashing Godzilla on the fine people of Linthwaite.

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 15:46
Years of playing Sim City mean I have my town creation skills finely honed. I now just have to resist unleashing Godzilla on the fine people of Linthwaite.

When you make the pub, make sure it aint a modern one with twigs and fairy lights will you - oooh, and Holden's MILD on handpull

Dave M
17-09-2009, 16:02
I can't make any promises. I'm thinking it'll go with the modern naming convention and be called 'Bar HD7', so there may well have to be twigs.

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 16:05
I can't make any promises. I'm thinking it'll go with the modern naming convention and be called 'Bar HD7', so there may well have to be twigs.

I wish i had Youngies skill, to draw two fingers:p

17-09-2009, 16:13
There is a desperate need for more smilies on here, how we are getting by with out a pint glass icon is beyond me, may have to have the 2 fingers. I'm sure it wouldn't really be abused:eek:.

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 16:15
There is a desperate need for more smilies on here, how we are getting by with out a pint glass icon is beyond me, may have to have the 2 fingers. I'm sure it wouldn't really be abused:eek:.

Have a little kermit the frog, in other words, muppet

hey - i think i am on a 100 now!

Soup Dragon
17-09-2009, 22:29
quality avatar, mate - suits you

cant seem to load one on mine, says do not use avatar and cant get that off

17-09-2009, 22:46
Hmm, hopefully not a setting, this account is an admin so I might be seeing differently to you - Dave can you check if you can get an Avatar up.

For Dave's benefit (or anyone else reading this) I will go from the start,

Click on User CP, select Edit Avatar (http://forums.pubsgalore.co.uk/profile.php?do=editavatar) on the left (hopefully that link will work if you are logged in).

Ignore the bit at the top, in the lower box either put a link in to where the image is, or click on Browse and select the file from your computer, then click save changes at the bottom.

If you are seeing something different, let me know and I will have a look into it.

I do love this vBulletin forum, but by God it is complicated, and sadly earning me my Avatar picture. I will keep an eye out for a good pub sign to replace it though.

Dave M
17-09-2009, 22:53
Ok, yes it is now working!

Setting needed changing at our end to allow all of us non admins to become individuals.

17-09-2009, 23:19
Ah thanks Dave, so my instructions were useless then.

We had it so that you could select from our large selection of 0 avatars rather than uploading your own.

We'll get there in the end.