View Full Version : Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Dundee again - will history repeat itself?

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08-01-2023, 12:52
Visit the Paul Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/dundee-again-will-history-repeat-itself.html)

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I’m off on a business trip tomorrow morning, it’s not the most exciting of locations, so it’s probably just as well that there will be very little free time, but the timing of the trip itself, hasn’t exactly come at the most convenient moment. More about that later, but to put you in the picture, the trip is a repeat of the one I made with our Sales Manager, three years ago which, if you’ve been paying attention, was around the time when Covid-19, and its connection with the Chinese city of Wuhan first began making the headlines, and just a couple of months before the start of the UK going into its first lock-down.?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhrhPIx4yLMXCAwpd-sDiNg9u0LFEAHh9yKmslSi8jqupHG1pWeh3zrXXzSaTrCTI0PP hNPQNDlGmBPrAgiwRwE5PMyx925VILzldqktq7ZSz5Vgb7kSO2 cjHEi4MYQiqqxl_bzA1qerosRsXCGFh_UqxiYsZFIOO-d21axeNhZEHHVp6hMnh59cDbL/w400-h308/Tayside%20Hotel.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhrhPIx4yLMXCAwpd-sDiNg9u0LFEAHh9yKmslSi8jqupHG1pWeh3zrXXzSaTrCTI0PP hNPQNDlGmBPrAgiwRwE5PMyx925VILzldqktq7ZSz5Vgb7kSO2 cjHEi4MYQiqqxl_bzA1qerosRsXCGFh_UqxiYsZFIOO-d21axeNhZEHHVp6hMnh59cDbL/s3800/Tayside%20Hotel.jpg)
So, as long as history doesn’t repeat itself, my colleague and I will be flying from Gatwick, to Edinburgh, tomorrow lunchtime, picking up a hire car, and then driving on to Dundee. There we will be giving a presentation to sales representatives, from our largest UK customer. The latter is a company based in Dundee, and seeing as our 2020 pitch was well received, we have been asked to repeat it, three years down the line. The presentation will take place on Tuesday, in the same hotel overlooking the River Tay, as last time, and will conclude with an evening dinner, with a fancy dress theme. The latter isn’t really my scene, but it went well last time, with both the food and the company of a high standard, so what’s not to like?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj-BQkcSHPzELwfYDyEfO3S3UTAU0QpHLBOIr2FMEYnCxgB-l8XsKmCWFPEp2vjXakA0drL6WBmjI3YFg3YaoNG7RIIT_w-VFdBWNZwd0q_y7HP8XenXCg0kf8Bbq8tISFXDP_avfvEkPnIak nqijILAEuoGsUT6MO9JqbF9LMFGrs5340UUx8FDQFa/w400-h300/Dundee%20presentation.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj-BQkcSHPzELwfYDyEfO3S3UTAU0QpHLBOIr2FMEYnCxgB-l8XsKmCWFPEp2vjXakA0drL6WBmjI3YFg3YaoNG7RIIT_w-VFdBWNZwd0q_y7HP8XenXCg0kf8Bbq8tISFXDP_avfvEkPnIak nqijILAEuoGsUT6MO9JqbF9LMFGrs5340UUx8FDQFa/s4020/Dundee%20presentation.jpg)
Nothing really, but with us flying back home on Wednesday,that’s my entire working week taken up. As I said earlier, the timing could have been better, as I’ve a busy and quite schedule of work ahead of me. I shall probably have to go in today (Sunday), primarily to sort out paperwork and permits, for some contractors who are due on site tomorrow, although the alternative plan would be to go in first thing Monday, before traveling to Gatwick. In many respects I would prefer to be at home for Mrs PBT’s, due to the recent and unexpected loss of someone close to her. I won’t go into details now, as unfortunately, these things are part of life, especially as one get older, but this recent passing occurred two years to the day that my father passed away, so it has brought back a few painful memories for me as well.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8aY8J5bL2Gn9dBOtHWp5b_jD53dbUBWkAvsBRvBivCP gcUWZ_vw8zyQdkSHwtXTJzt8U2EBfbEC0RZJOQYwk_-SxMbl58wqvdlR6VEOiscjmpaz6501Cg5df0NANCn1DQzq1JwVY yF1ZTVfycq4PYGoDGqmRfYuA0M5MFWihM_fFIcOn1lE4u_W3y/w400-h300/Brew%20Dog%20Dundee.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8aY8J5bL2Gn9dBOtHWp5b_jD53dbUBWkAvsBRvBivCP gcUWZ_vw8zyQdkSHwtXTJzt8U2EBfbEC0RZJOQYwk_-SxMbl58wqvdlR6VEOiscjmpaz6501Cg5df0NANCn1DQzq1JwVY yF1ZTVfycq4PYGoDGqmRfYuA0M5MFWihM_fFIcOn1lE4u_W3y/s4073/Brew%20Dog%20Dundee.jpg)
The return flight to Edinburgh, will represent my first time on an aircraft since before the pandemic, and in fact that previous occasion was the same return Easy Jet flights to the Scottish capital. If I was geeky enough to look them up, they’ve probably got the same flight numbers, but I’m not that sad, yet! Will we get to see much of Dundee, I hear you ask? Possibly slightly more than last time, as the hotel we are staying at on Monday and Tuesday, (not the one where the presentation is taking place), is right in the centre of Dundee. I’ve carried out a spot of research, and there is a bar listed on CAMRA’s inventory of pubs with an historic interior of national importance, and whilst it’s only 16 minutes’ walk from our hotel, I’m not sure how my colleague will feel about me dragging him to a bar at the bottom of a four-story tenement block. I will try my best to convince him that his life will be forever incomplete, if he doesn’t set foot in the Speedwell Bar,in Perth Road, described by What Pub as “One of the finest examples of an Edwardian pub interior, in the country.”

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKMCAgDVZiR_iPmscnCRCtsHZ-l6YoVrv2o7m5Ej_vgAfv9QmmXZk3N7fLAdwU_LkFm1MX0jTOaO uZutJsYX21aqaryUGq7fUPlMxTHXd1UZgSOgv9-qKLai_LjIMeqjIDc2eeF5TVaCA0sQNq4JX5ODLnxxWbb9jEEth pcewNUXM7N1bGaJkhJ-T-/w400-h300/Brew%20Dog%20Sign.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKMCAgDVZiR_iPmscnCRCtsHZ-l6YoVrv2o7m5Ej_vgAfv9QmmXZk3N7fLAdwU_LkFm1MX0jTOaO uZutJsYX21aqaryUGq7fUPlMxTHXd1UZgSOgv9-qKLai_LjIMeqjIDc2eeF5TVaCA0sQNq4JX5ODLnxxWbb9jEEth pcewNUXM7N1bGaJkhJ-T-/s4013/Brew%20Dog%20Sign.jpg)
I’m presuming they mean Scotland, rather than the UK as a whole, but the Speedwell certainly looks interesting. Lunchtime meals only – do toasties count as a meal? but if I can persuade my colleague, it might be the case of a quick pint, and then somewhere nearer the hotel for our evening meal, but that will be my only chance for a decent pint, unless we call in, like last time, at the Brew Dog Bar, at Edinburgh airport, for a cheeky, pre-flight drink. (Full report if I make it to the Speedwell.) Follow Blog via EmailClick to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

More... (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/dundee-again-will-history-repeat-itself.html)