View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Coming along nicely

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05-01-2023, 13:23
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/01/coming-along-nicely.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEisWKt2s0Jzx_y19s2PT82Vi0rm35cTNy1jKWOKHKzEBE-XTjAF3jkJYH4ykgShF-_dtp51Tz3uZbXtVdC1f2d8eNbdDyoecUioJ4INTtJslmxSwoDt pEBq875qPR0fon4DqPiJ_ndklILnFW3VoAsVYdQTMGOJVT414J ssJTqgf4XckUs_Nt7g7zTK/w400-h295/Whitbread_London_Stout_1899.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEisWKt2s0Jzx_y19s2PT82Vi0rm35cTNy1jKWOKHKzEBE-XTjAF3jkJYH4ykgShF-_dtp51Tz3uZbXtVdC1f2d8eNbdDyoecUioJ4INTtJslmxSwoDt pEBq875qPR0fon4DqPiJ_ndklILnFW3VoAsVYdQTMGOJVT414J ssJTqgf4XckUs_Nt7g7zTK/s963/Whitbread_London_Stout_1899.jpg)
My book about London Stout. Seven out of eleven chapters are complete. Or at least the bones of them are.The first three chapters, covering the period up to 1780, are unstarted. They're the most difficult ones because I have so little hard information. And you know how much I love numbers. I suppose they'll be pretty short. I'm leaving them until last because, well, they require the most work. And I hate work.
I've been finishing off the odd bit from the other chapters and tidying up a little. Mostly this week, though, it's been writing recipes. They take time. And, if I complete my plan, there will be loads of them. I've just about got up to 1850 and there are 44 already. To get all the way to the 1970s will take at least 100 more.
Which all depends on me being arsed.
Just about 35,000 words so far. Not sure how many more there will be. I have been known to get carried away.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2023/01/coming-along-nicely.html)