View Full Version : Ed's Beer Site - Golden Pints 2022

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31-12-2022, 09:22
Visit Ed's Beer Site (http://edsbeer.blogspot.com/2022/12/golden-pints-2022.html)

This morning dew, don't it take like wine to you
In this brand-new world so brave and true.
This golden pint is gleaming like it's just been born
In a brave new world, a brave new world ... out of the blue

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiU_r_Bb7MgLF9VUSxo_L9PUCXBadDsJhVsCqPsvQQeuX p2dAvI7n9ETOxgp1F9zM0jhDo5i6CCNWSKaUXTISCOkMwBT2ZZ DwHruRgMhqYkCpGz2QLvUzy0mNEwx3FRwDk7guRuaFzSRq8r68 u8Xxe3tYS1wbAomnh4r9el7IkZmXJLZgsf60zn6aWi9Q/w400-h225/golden_pints_2022.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiU_r_Bb7MgLF9VUSxo_L9PUCXBadDsJhVsCqPsvQQeuX p2dAvI7n9ETOxgp1F9zM0jhDo5i6CCNWSKaUXTISCOkMwBT2ZZ DwHruRgMhqYkCpGz2QLvUzy0mNEwx3FRwDk7guRuaFzSRq8r68 u8Xxe3tYS1wbAomnh4r9el7IkZmXJLZgsf60zn6aWi9Q/s850/golden_pints_2022.jpg)

Pic from B&B (https://boakandbailey.com/2022/12/golden-pints-2022-notes-on-an-almost-normal-year/)

Best UK Cask Beer:
It's Thurston's (http://www.thurstonsbrewery.co.uk/) Horsell Hop, their green hop beer, that wins this year. Outstanding stuff!

Best UK Keg Beer:
There have been a few occasions this year where I've had to suckle at the devil's drainpipe. Can I remember any as standing out? No, I cannot. My slackness with the blogging doesn't help either. I went to Curious and had a session lager there. Went to Beavertown too but they're tossers. And I was back on the Bermondsey beer mile at one point too. Oh, I know, Hiver Fabal (https://madeofengland.co.uk/hiver/)! It's one of mine so definitely that.
Best UK Bottled Beer:
I did get given a case for xmas, which shot it to the top of the rankings: Ridgeway (https://www.ridgewaybrewery.co.uk/) Very Bad Elf.

Best UK Canned Beer:
I canned beer for the first time this year which was all very exciting. It was Hepworths (https://hepworthbrewery.co.uk/) Charger so that.

Best Overseas Draught:
I did get overseas this year, back to the wonderful Carnivale Brettanomyces (https://wildegist.nl/), though in Belgium this year. It was based at Misery brewery. Can I remember what I drank there? No. But I did have some of Misery's (https://www.miserybeerco.be/) so them.

Best Overseas Bottled Beer:
I've had a few oversea's bottled beers. And recently too. Which ones though? Ooo...Orval featured so that's a safe choice.

Best Overseas Canned Beer:
Did I drink any overseas canned beer? Possibly. Can I remember any? Definitely no.

Best Collaboration brew:
Can't think of any.

Best Overall Beer:
Horsell Hop.

Best Branding:
Thurstons as usual.

Best UK Brewery:
And it's Thurstons again.

Best Overseas Brewery:
That'll have to be Orval.

Best New Brewery Opening 2022:
No idea.

Pub/Bar of the Year:
The Crown (https://whatpub.com/pubs/SHB/156/crown-horsell) of course.

Best New Pub/Bar Opening 2022:
No idea for that either.

Beer Festival of the Year:
The GBBF was back! Hurrah!

Supermarket of the Year:
I've barely bought any beer from supermarkets but Booths was the best.

Independent Retailer of the Year:
The shop at the Hogs Back brewery.
Online Retailer of the Year:
Not bought any online beer this year.

Best Beer Book or Magazine:
Hmmm...I did fairly well at reading this year. But what beery books? Drinking Up the Revolution (https://amzn.to/3WMn2eC) has a great title but is a bit of a curate's egg and the author is a Bolshie so he's not winning unless he apologises for Kronstadt. Oooo yes...the CAMRA book that was good: Laura Hadland 50 Years of CAMRA (https://amzn.to/3CdMzFv).

Best Blog or Website
Blogs still seem to be on the way down but Boak and Bailey (https://boakandbailey.com/) soldier on regardless so them.

Simon Johnson Award for Best Beer Twitterer:
Will it still be around next year? What a plonker that oligarch is. Anyway, this year I'm going with @jamesksowerby (https://twitter.com/jamesksowerby)

More... (http://edsbeer.blogspot.com/2022/12/golden-pints-2022.html)