View Full Version : Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - The year in beer - a personal look back at 2022

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30-12-2022, 21:37
Visit the Paul Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-year-in-beer-personal-look-back-at.html)

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As in previous years I thought I'd better write a review of the year, which is just coming to an end. Fortunately, unlike the previous two years, 2022 was not overshadowed by COVID, in fact it promised a bright new future. I opened the previous year’s review with the prediction, “As for 2022, after the past two years I'm keeping my mouth family shop and am saying nothing. I'm sure I'm not the only person who is thinking this way either.”
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhIJaSwgqbSr3Q4Hb29jJHpRcgRBfkfQvpCrufxUtp4eI DNofOkh2sgPO_KaAHwB6SPj3Hl0_HdfBMIkHli8CgEqjOBNCfT 1khzB9BhGdwcq75SJEB-1X59ez7CfiENLV_51RiSW2a87PxGwB3IZgzizdeyHWt2jqikzF fJew3nYf4S06eXSHF_Ss1t/w400-h225/IMG_20220305_120558.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhIJaSwgqbSr3Q4Hb29jJHpRcgRBfkfQvpCrufxUtp4eI DNofOkh2sgPO_KaAHwB6SPj3Hl0_HdfBMIkHli8CgEqjOBNCfT 1khzB9BhGdwcq75SJEB-1X59ez7CfiENLV_51RiSW2a87PxGwB3IZgzizdeyHWt2jqikzF fJew3nYf4S06eXSHF_Ss1t/s4000/IMG_20220305_120558.jpg)
Rather predictably there's always something or someone who comes along to spoil the party, and that person was Vladimir Putin, the man who pretended that the forces he’d massed on the border with neighbouring Ukraine were there solely on exercise. If only they were, but we all know what happened next, and sadly the people of Ukraine are still under assault from this murderous despotic tyrant, despite the brave and heroic resistance they are showing this war criminal.
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Putin’s so-called "special operation" didn't kick off for real until late February, and unfortunately shows little sign of ending, despite the huge casualties being suffered by Russia's inefficient and corrupt ragbag army. From a rather selfish personal point of view, the former KGB colonel’s illegal invasion put the kibosh on the visit to Saint Petersburg, which was to be the highlight of the cancelled Baltic Sea cruise which Mrs PBT’s and I had booked for late spring. We chose to visit the Norwegian fjords instead, but unfortunately, I cannot now see us visiting Russia in any shape or form, certainly not for many years to come.
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Moving on to happier and more positive events, the first quarter of 2022 saw me taking advantage of the free travel, afforded by my Old Persons Bus Pass. The latter allowed me to visit a significant number of outlying rural pubs, that I would otherwise had to have driven to, thereby depriving me of one of the main reasons for visiting them in the first place - having a beer or three!

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Although not an extensive list I visited the Wealden villages of, Benenden, Cranbrook, Hook Green, and Rolvenden, along with several locations along the B2110 between Tunbridge Wells and Forest Row. Basically, this is the road on the northern edge of Ashdown Forest, and I was able to visit pubs at Colemans Hatch, Hartfield, Withyham, and Groombridge. In addition, I used the pass to visit Dunks Green, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks Weald and Brasted, which are all villages on, or close to the Greensand Ridge, to the north of Tonbridge. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgjWYfwWJXfiZ9MV3UW5OFSwEdAAvEgsjtO6HjsxuK0_B Sl-XamayteRDXgjxesATjO3hoABX4wgbiJEfYBxJ5Xsv4usLLtgzO qCReJ0NNBh9H110hAnrRalSZoc-v78L5S1yOZwcinKSt9r1IqBDV9E21LLy_Zk6wvKuXFA-UOfwvwtrB9JIeljpHu/w400-h225/Swan%20Ext.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgjWYfwWJXfiZ9MV3UW5OFSwEdAAvEgsjtO6HjsxuK0_B Sl-XamayteRDXgjxesATjO3hoABX4wgbiJEfYBxJ5Xsv4usLLtgzO qCReJ0NNBh9H110hAnrRalSZoc-v78L5S1yOZwcinKSt9r1IqBDV9E21LLy_Zk6wvKuXFA-UOfwvwtrB9JIeljpHu/s3881/Swan%20Ext.jpg)I started 2022 with a visit to the Swan at West Peckham, an attractive pub overlooking an equally attractive village green. The pub, the green and the village church, have all featured in the recent television remake of the "Darling Buds of May," but known this time around, simply as "The Larkins." The Swan’s main attraction for me, is its range of distinctive, home-brewed ales, that are produced in an outbuilding behind the pub. The beers have been available at the Swan for a couple of decades now, but during the festive season, the pubs legendary Christmas Ale is normally available. This rich, dark 7.0% abv beer, was certainly on tap when I called visit in early January, and very good it was too!

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiFwZWm278IOQWnU9bf2Gt9qvthTLAGh3u0kv9NN-PtZCmrnvK6Z8cdkyvMMTWtQ1HQGLDSoVSbAPA3IUOTT6cSdI5E TgcdtHJnVZGINgVB3lx30HwND-YEW4GtVRtWQ2Xm90EV71Kpd-aBvu2GPtPe9zJnmOI5Mg6in8-qrW79CpPFqDDQrs4dFULk/w400-h225/IMG_20220121_115338.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiFwZWm278IOQWnU9bf2Gt9qvthTLAGh3u0kv9NN-PtZCmrnvK6Z8cdkyvMMTWtQ1HQGLDSoVSbAPA3IUOTT6cSdI5E TgcdtHJnVZGINgVB3lx30HwND-YEW4GtVRtWQ2Xm90EV71Kpd-aBvu2GPtPe9zJnmOI5Mg6in8-qrW79CpPFqDDQrs4dFULk/s4000/IMG_20220121_115338.jpg)
Also, in January I re-visited Ashford, the town I grew up in, and also attended school at. Son Matthew accompanied me on what was something of a nostalgia trip, so as well as seeing the house that I shared with my parents and my sister, we also saw both the primary and secondary schools I attended. We managed to visit a couple of pubs, one of which was a fully restored former coaching inn with strong connections to my childhood. The other was the brand-new brewery tap, restaurant and event space, attached to the shiny new development that is Curious Brew, just the other side of the tracks from Ashford rail station.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhY60l80h7dI5yk3JKHNoiwrYEfLcfAU73OLTPljBb-vEV6ldL-OG0veNqWKcHpBQFndrhBnjnBBsJBy_WVED3a-DZoGLoQ5ka3v8Q8ZTUM6XRqFnh3fFhpDEXZe_-2FOUV2ocFYwZICH5lbszsfUmbRXxxpdRWqCkico_1RqKU3DZxp erlS83CQrfI/w400-h229/Bath%20Crescent%20houses.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhY60l80h7dI5yk3JKHNoiwrYEfLcfAU73OLTPljBb-vEV6ldL-OG0veNqWKcHpBQFndrhBnjnBBsJBy_WVED3a-DZoGLoQ5ka3v8Q8ZTUM6XRqFnh3fFhpDEXZe_-2FOUV2ocFYwZICH5lbszsfUmbRXxxpdRWqCkico_1RqKU3DZxp erlS83CQrfI/s3652/Bath%20Crescent%20houses.jpg)
Jumping forward to March, I joined Retired Martin, Citra, plus several other fine fellows for a day out in the splendid Georgian city of Bath.The trip was originally scheduled for the previous month but was postponed due to Met Office warnings, following the arrival of named storm Eunice. Most of the trains had been cancelled anyway, but according to Trainline – an organisation I shall never use again, if I wanted a refund of my fare, I would have to pay a handling charge for both outward and return journeys, and the charges were almost the cost of the original tickets! The weather wasn't much better in March, as whilst the winds had abated our arrival in Bath coincided with heavy rain. The wet conditions failed to put a damper on what was an excellent day out, even though we only visited a handful of the city’s pubs.
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The highlight for most of us, was a visit to the legendary Star Inn, a splendid, multi-room pub, with roots going back to the 18thCentury. Apart from the simplicity on it largely unaltered interior, one of the attractions of the Star is the availability of Draught Bass, dispensed direct from casks kept behind the bar, and served by the 4-pint jug. The five of us got through several of these jugs between us, and for me, a nice, crusty, cheese and onion cob, helped soak up some of the excess beer. The other Bath pub, well worth a mention, was the Bell, a tall, lengthy, and quite rambling pub spread over two levels. A wide selection of different beers was available, including a rather fine porter, from Parkway Brewing.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhi78ZeUbn0uXOO1gBcmukIoyXNlusd5c5YjQTgFPY6Sj zMstUMKDt0NkfwdZ-iyctSHyoLHaOpWALtoYelk8dnwcJmxGVaKkL50QHePKP7_zpRt soe2YsXZqxgLUPPAuRrnjdG3fQ-wmHbA992i5RO0c5DD_YbFB6JMY6Dm1N8TVfu95TN_Folo6cF/w400-h228/Chequers%20Loose.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhi78ZeUbn0uXOO1gBcmukIoyXNlusd5c5YjQTgFPY6Sj zMstUMKDt0NkfwdZ-iyctSHyoLHaOpWALtoYelk8dnwcJmxGVaKkL50QHePKP7_zpRt soe2YsXZqxgLUPPAuRrnjdG3fQ-wmHbA992i5RO0c5DD_YbFB6JMY6Dm1N8TVfu95TN_Folo6cF/s3452/Chequers%20Loose.jpg)
April saw the return of the annual Good Friday Ramble, an event organised by Maidstone CAMRA, and one that has been running almost continuously since the late 1970s. COVID unfortunately led to a two-year hiatus, but it was good to be back enjoy a leisurely walk along the River Medway, before heading up through the picturesque Loose Valley, to our lunchtime stop at the Chequers, in Loose village. A substantial lunch of haddock, chips, and peas, a selection of local beers plus the chance to catch up with old friends, made for the perfect day out, a day in which the weather too was ideal.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2AxZvejVOjbR1WyI4kpmNR217UN1i8d9_uGJGwuwJkN WlAsJjIBqPPysSOCHx150ZFGHgXhkaPMAC29fhd_-6lcH1nfRIWgqy8dikk-PlqVEfH91dc7OChy62eopSe-TBz6dSDm4aLPe0cgc23lFuMifd8Pr5zqBJ6cIt2Dl0QL2KVUHy niZ1y4su/w400-h225/IMG_20220512_134651.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2AxZvejVOjbR1WyI4kpmNR217UN1i8d9_uGJGwuwJkN WlAsJjIBqPPysSOCHx150ZFGHgXhkaPMAC29fhd_-6lcH1nfRIWgqy8dikk-PlqVEfH91dc7OChy62eopSe-TBz6dSDm4aLPe0cgc23lFuMifd8Pr5zqBJ6cIt2Dl0QL2KVUHy niZ1y4su/s4000/IMG_20220512_134651.jpg)
The end of spring may saw me taking a further two long distance rail trips. The first was to Cambridge and the second to Sheffield. Although I'd been to both cities before, these visits were the first time that I'd been drinking in either of them. Matthew accompanied me to Cambridge, and after seeing some of the city's main sights, we visited a trio of excellent pubs (Eagle, Free Press and Cambridge Tap). I journeyed alone up to Sheffield and was well looked after by local legends Retired Martin and Sheffield Hatter, both of whom live in the city.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEie5xjJ7R_jLoAECJBQLmXF3-Y7nQcBu4ceRE8R2XwQrjdnsbppBgPg-_OQdjDzdP5Z611aDgAs5wkzwB2H6oN93zgLvEhlKrtKDJgKvxl Z43-1eU_CAZhJhz5yP73tjEMCFjbfC15bdAeKYSXSjIB945akgT08A fLZWaGpZLfwocmcZ-82GC_rQwGS/w400-h225/IMG_20220519_181703.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEie5xjJ7R_jLoAECJBQLmXF3-Y7nQcBu4ceRE8R2XwQrjdnsbppBgPg-_OQdjDzdP5Z611aDgAs5wkzwB2H6oN93zgLvEhlKrtKDJgKvxl Z43-1eU_CAZhJhz5yP73tjEMCFjbfC15bdAeKYSXSjIB945akgT08A fLZWaGpZLfwocmcZ-82GC_rQwGS/s4000/IMG_20220519_181703.jpg)
We met up got the famous Fat Cat, in the Kelham Island area of Sheffield,where I enjoyed an excellent lunch of homemade pie, chips and gravy, along with an equally fine pint of Pale Rider, from the next-door Kelham Island Brewery. The latter was under threat of closure at the time of my visit, although I understand it's since been offered a reprieve. We later visited several other excellent pubs in the city, including the Bath Hotel and the Sheffield Tap. The latter is located on platform 1b of Sheffield Midland station and was therefore handy for the train home.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhnjGxfYMjOtyaT97HE2P6cODDlcJ38Snm3eb-Tc26prGE5SoBm450E3nr4ls0RoUJzemn_Es4F8YDfWpk6e0rtA q7-iRBbJm3ToGCQa40ART4ptEe1Ko1c_Jp1xCy67BtN0n47yLKkqy zBx3UGGFgragtikCT1bOk4OvUK4FUO-j0qnDtjdIbeU90x/w400-h216/Screenshot%20Olden%20Cruise%20Port%20Guide%20-.png (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhnjGxfYMjOtyaT97HE2P6cODDlcJ38Snm3eb-Tc26prGE5SoBm450E3nr4ls0RoUJzemn_Es4F8YDfWpk6e0rtA q7-iRBbJm3ToGCQa40ART4ptEe1Ko1c_Jp1xCy67BtN0n47yLKkqy zBx3UGGFgragtikCT1bOk4OvUK4FUO-j0qnDtjdIbeU90x/s837/Screenshot%20Olden%20Cruise%20Port%20Guide%20-.png)
June saw the highlight of the year, which was an 11-night cruise from Southampton, on the Queen Mary 2 to the Norwegian fjords. Our vessel called in at Hamburg on both the outward and the return voyages to pick up and drop off passengers. It goes without saying that the fjords we visited, and the scenery associated with them, were spectacular, and that is an understatement.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgAFkW8K9Kv1AnNPsWrxDk-Ob3XNoXsJq_x38zkzpDUDevS7aZOA33pujxyKAX7ecNn5OzGkt eHDIsvULr-Fzy-Pj72tn5E5qLyk9_DIfw349-rPbjdbv69gd-CQnudZK0XepBF3_kY4SlDHydJEymddP06Cse7IvD0jV5HkN2gl PI_6xM6hh3GqXDK/w400-h225/Luneburg%20Roses.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgAFkW8K9Kv1AnNPsWrxDk-Ob3XNoXsJq_x38zkzpDUDevS7aZOA33pujxyKAX7ecNn5OzGkt eHDIsvULr-Fzy-Pj72tn5E5qLyk9_DIfw349-rPbjdbv69gd-CQnudZK0XepBF3_kY4SlDHydJEymddP06Cse7IvD0jV5HkN2gl PI_6xM6hh3GqXDK/s4000/Luneburg%20Roses.jpg)
Hamburgwas also good in its own right and gave me the chance to see more of a city I had visited twice in the past, but never got to really experience. On the second stopover in Hamburg, I booked a place on an excursion to attractive and unspoilt Hanseatic town of Lüneburg. The cruise itself was pure relaxation and the 11 nights we were away represented the longest holiday that Eileen and I have experienced for several decades.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiGD4DmcQ9uB4NKQooi6HbGlK3jkQoeDrcx506kBk5gh0 nJRIYFAVkTqovDtUhanexYxOWT7Cl2VLMYCeqyOSq_xWiKpZUI QJhj8DZolnlN1yzTOLY0AbbdeFZ-31IJTj3qmLYp1O9WKGICPL2DoZIwsASa1d5IC6smzz_9h3offd QnTJgDWHy7iNPq/w400-h220/Amsterdam%20crowds.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiGD4DmcQ9uB4NKQooi6HbGlK3jkQoeDrcx506kBk5gh0 nJRIYFAVkTqovDtUhanexYxOWT7Cl2VLMYCeqyOSq_xWiKpZUI QJhj8DZolnlN1yzTOLY0AbbdeFZ-31IJTj3qmLYp1O9WKGICPL2DoZIwsASa1d5IC6smzz_9h3offd QnTJgDWHy7iNPq/s3815/Amsterdam%20crowds.jpg)
We took another, much shorter cruise, at the end of November, this time to the Dutch capital, Amsterdam. The weather wasn't brilliant, but fortunately the North Sea was kind to us, and we enjoyed a calm crossing both ways. We managed to see a bit more of Amsterdam, including a visit to Bierkonig, the finest beer shop in the Netherlands, and possibly beyond, as well. I'm currently looking at a three-week cruise for later next year, this time covering the whole of the Mediterranean, but it does rather depend on whether I can negotiate that much time off from work.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhzNtnIzLWtELX2zblCaDgazNHuXwrPcNUlcPBily5LP VPQHkKAtF4_jhezCBVp_QMCDrGYQ2qjgG5PF8cIWLeKCkA7MeJ OTomZLkU9yzde0r0Tq5eqYHWcuc2bT0zZURfGpJPO44Ur0ftWo CiSQqL_hfJqhtwR21oFkcSHmEmIlqctWY_JUCIy5YN/w400-h225/Marcos.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhzNtnIzLWtELX2zblCaDgazNHuXwrPcNUlcPBily5LP VPQHkKAtF4_jhezCBVp_QMCDrGYQ2qjgG5PF8cIWLeKCkA7MeJ OTomZLkU9yzde0r0Tq5eqYHWcuc2bT0zZURfGpJPO44Ur0ftWo CiSQqL_hfJqhtwR21oFkcSHmEmIlqctWY_JUCIy5YN/s4000/Marcos.jpg)
On a slightly less glamorous, but no less enjoyable, note the Bailey family took a trip to Barry Island in South Wales. I titled the blog post I wrote, that covered our visit, “In search of Gavin and Stacey,” because the BBC sit-com was one reason for Mrs PBT’s wanting to visit the resort. We were all pleasantly surprised at what we found, and as well as Barry itself we managed a trip into Cardiff followed by an afternoon in Penarth. Sadly, the death of Queen Elizabeth II coincided with our visit, and we were sitting having our evening meal, at the local Beefeater restaurant, when the news of the sovereign's passing came through.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhBNLAMyTFbXK1n5gGJyd_4k-HBmlCIUB8S9qKMtm2lsZgTFPfPTom0egPQXe8gqueb2t1o3s_9 JLE2rOkKWL_wpM7qmoXbY55CA2Y12sdRkGTTpzWjoC_nUsDOb5 AxnluJ4DozNuALhcfw4RyQhIm02zaW1vcsomOqXc2wYJEkYm-NXpDqC3j8lVBo/w400-h225/IMG_20220826_131959.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhBNLAMyTFbXK1n5gGJyd_4k-HBmlCIUB8S9qKMtm2lsZgTFPfPTom0egPQXe8gqueb2t1o3s_9 JLE2rOkKWL_wpM7qmoXbY55CA2Y12sdRkGTTpzWjoC_nUsDOb5 AxnluJ4DozNuALhcfw4RyQhIm02zaW1vcsomOqXc2wYJEkYm-NXpDqC3j8lVBo/s4000/IMG_20220826_131959.jpg)
At the end of August, I was invited down the Hukins hop farm, in the heart of the Kent countryside, just outside Benenden where, along with a handful of other invited guests, drawn mainly from the British Guild of Beer Writers, we were treated to a walk-through the hop gardens, followed by a tour of the hop picking and hop processing facilities. Hukins are an independent family of hop growers, and the tour plus the accompanying talk, taught me a lot about hops, and the important role they play in providing both flavour and aroma, along with a preservative effect in the finished beer. The visit to Hukins was one of the most enjoyable days out that I've had in a long time.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhEVPRAwzQY3Cx2hUiONAQ9g5G9EaBLfxpBE3vMeBeZbU XTQhCZ9mr32tBywRSQyFykytw6YgMoLJaOKLh8pdocIwN8LOBq n-okDrrXJGNEx94JDXIwJ3iIRPGb-PpJaJCjpQApZo7qIYSUquHtL3yOzmvQsL9LhJ3p_wv0ybQUec-FXDYp2sMAeRD-/w400-h216/Nuffield%20Hospital.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhEVPRAwzQY3Cx2hUiONAQ9g5G9EaBLfxpBE3vMeBeZbU XTQhCZ9mr32tBywRSQyFykytw6YgMoLJaOKLh8pdocIwN8LOBq n-okDrrXJGNEx94JDXIwJ3iIRPGb-PpJaJCjpQApZo7qIYSUquHtL3yOzmvQsL9LhJ3p_wv0ybQUec-FXDYp2sMAeRD-/s3827/Nuffield%20Hospital.jpg)
In July I underwent surgery, to repair a hernia in my groin area that had been troubling me for a long time. This necessitated two weeks of recuperation, before returning to work. I also had to take a further five days off, after contracting COVID on two separate occasions. The first time was in February and most recent one, during the second week in December. I'm fairly certain that in both instances the illness was contracted at work, with the most recent bout due to mingling in close proximity contact with colleagues, at our staff Christmas party. I didn’t feel too bad on either occasion and for this I give thanks to the vaccine and the various boosters I've been given, as whilst not preventing me from contracting COVID, I'm convinced that the boost they gave my immune system, meant my symptoms were relatively mild.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEic3NUY9ongx4SRGLD4DKWReTZrLZ-YLy3HHh26TsYNAkindB6uNLE77CJ7zA95YEUSRbTGFwzTKcRpl VrYML8eug6gJgUHq9n0-U66UtY5h91yeMCKkx_0268RCvK-cQJVBNvecFCZiXJlH_UKQ-TUJ8ea-UFWK5qB0xTrpfP_Dhhv6mbmAayUvvzg/w400-h221/NDW%20Start%20mark.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEic3NUY9ongx4SRGLD4DKWReTZrLZ-YLy3HHh26TsYNAkindB6uNLE77CJ7zA95YEUSRbTGFwzTKcRpl VrYML8eug6gJgUHq9n0-U66UtY5h91yeMCKkx_0268RCvK-cQJVBNvecFCZiXJlH_UKQ-TUJ8ea-UFWK5qB0xTrpfP_Dhhv6mbmAayUvvzg/s3788/NDW%20Start%20mark.jpg)
One achievement I'm especially proud of is completing the North Downs Way, long-distance footpath. I had been walking this national trail since 2017, tagging along with friends at first, who were close to completing the trail. I then branched off, on my own in order to walk the entire 153 miles from the White Cliffs of Dover to the town of Farnham, on the Surrey-Hampshire border. After two years of concerted effort during 2021 and 2022, I completed the final stretch between Guildford and Farnham at the end of September. It's a nice and particularly satisfying feeling having walked this distance, and I can now add this achievement to the equally lengthy, South Downs Way, which I completed 14 years ago. This concludes my look back at 2022, although there is still the mater of best beer, best brewery, best pub etc. I will cover these categories, in a separate “Golden Pints” award article, which should keep Boak & Bailey happy, as these are the people who have volunteered to collate these posts.

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