View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2022 - South American Shiraz and roas

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25-12-2022, 18:20
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/12/drinkalongathon-2022-south-american.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgvPnpE1FXuWmLIy0sGgKDwqQzvLG75FIObkR4tsKTKkH ZEbl7EKS4kd5rsdb7gu0Xw7OS3D-vJvinFpQ9iqF9ifGBgKX7ii_A6gsaK6Em7CSBiJ0gmO14MlvQ9 aVkzhP08lCLXm9PjAABLI_cNHXzKw5XU6aBWMwYJRorf0nv1-ZmAdZbp0u6eh08F/w640-h480/duck_wine.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgvPnpE1FXuWmLIy0sGgKDwqQzvLG75FIObkR4tsKTKkH ZEbl7EKS4kd5rsdb7gu0Xw7OS3D-vJvinFpQ9iqF9ifGBgKX7ii_A6gsaK6Em7CSBiJ0gmO14MlvQ9 aVkzhP08lCLXm9PjAABLI_cNHXzKw5XU6aBWMwYJRorf0nv1-ZmAdZbp0u6eh08F/s2000/duck_wine.jpg)

Lexxie is telling me what a depressing film ET is.

"The children have one friend and then he has to go away."

"You can see that's the Hollywood Hills. I'm sure this was shot in the 30-mile zone."

He sure knows how to suck the magic out of a film. Not that I've ever watched ET. Just seen random bits of it over the years.

The duck is full of fatty goodness. Cut nicely by the winey wineynesss of the wine. Not sure I can keep up the jollity much longer. Need more whisky.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/12/drinkalongathon-2022-south-american.html)