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15-12-2022, 17:15
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/12/what-am-i-doing.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUFKkJwPciUnooznQCpv6ybvytqti0VaIX_7eOCVllBD wQXfYqLUELm6Iz685h2dd40S4iyd49j5mfV7DxFT4Z7x5rF1xL 15UMefKT6Z9erhO1wxS2Y5a0vhyibzyuzhBZsWr-idapYmBg-evIUW0SFj8py05QC8VBEfYvbEz2GYUML_e7dXWdkBF7/s320/St_Bernardus_Abt.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUFKkJwPciUnooznQCpv6ybvytqti0VaIX_7eOCVllBD wQXfYqLUELm6Iz685h2dd40S4iyd49j5mfV7DxFT4Z7x5rF1xL 15UMefKT6Z9erhO1wxS2Y5a0vhyibzyuzhBZsWr-idapYmBg-evIUW0SFj8py05QC8VBEfYvbEz2GYUML_e7dXWdkBF7/s1056/St_Bernardus_Abt.jpg)
Now that I'm no longer burdened with tiresome work, my days are free to frolic in the woods or run through cornfields. Instead I spend hours hunched over my computer, banging out this sort of rubbish.It's all about the three Rs: research, writing and reality TV. The days just fly by. And the words they spew out like my dinner after three or four too many Abts.
Working on a long project, it's easy to get bored with the subject after a year or two. Branching off into something shorter is reinvigorating. I tell myself. The reality is that I can't concentrate on any one thing for too long.
Leaving aside "Blitzkrieg!", which is 99% finished, but I haven't got around to publishing yet, "Free!" is my main project. And part of my long, long term project. To complete the book I originally intended to write: a history of UK beer 1700 to 1973.
When I had a particularly boring job, with no work and no internet access, I started the manuscript. Using a memory stick holding all sorts of brewing texts. 125,000 words is the result. I quite often go back to it to either nick bits or find sources.
Way too long a book, if I'd ever completed it. Instead, I've been publishing the chapters as books.
1880-1914 Free!
1914-1920 Armistice! (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/armistice/paperback/product-23859948.html)
1920-1939 Peace! (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/peace/paperback/product-1kvydmvk.html)
1939-1945 Blitzkrieg!
1945-1973 Austerity! (https://www.lulu.com/shop/ronald-pattinson/austerity/paperback/product-1mkrq4zg.html)

Or, the case of some titles, not quite published yet.
I'm hoping I live long enough to get back to 1700. Now there's a sentence not many have ever written.
What am I doing? Having the only way I know.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/12/what-am-i-doing.html)